Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 122 129 Завантажень: 35, розмiр: 755.0 KB

O. Mazur; D. Lukianenko


The issues of international cooperation in the field of combating terrorism and ways of such cooperation are considered. It is noted that effective international cooperation in this field is impossible without the coordinated work of the international community, since the nature of modern terrorism requires a global response to its challenges on the principles of international cooperation. The resolution of the UN General Assembly on the prevention of militant extremism is analyzed.

The issues of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and ways of such cooperation are also discussed. It is noted that effective international cooperation in this sphere is impossible without the coordinated work of the international community, as the nature of modern terrorism requires a global response; it calls on the principles of international collaboration. The Resolution of the UN General Assembly on preventing violent extremism is analyzed as well.

The circumstances, which are generally considered favorable for the emergence of terrorist movements within the state, are analyzed.

The experience of the advanced countries of the world about the fact that everyone should know how to behave during emergencies is studied. For example, in the United States of America operates the emergency number — 911 well-known for everyone. This is a national program to disseminate information among the population. The means may be different: through the media, the Internet resources etc. This successful experience we have to adapt to our state. When there is panic and destruction, you need to clearly know what Ukrainian services need to call in the Police, emergency or ambulance. In Ukraine, there is already a general emergency number 112, but the people are not familiar with it. The short number of the emergency call must be popularized. The population should be informed where to call, what to say if they are faced with the problem of terrorism.

It is noted that in order to minimize the number of casualties among the population, it is necessary to teach him how to behave properly during unforeseen events.

The criteria for reducing the number of terrorist manifestations and preventing the commission of terrorist acts are determined.