Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)

One of the most modern and most popular bibliographic databases is the Google Scholar service. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine provides data to this database and uses it to create its own database. Thus, with the availability of a profile in Google Scholar, entry into another Vernadskyi National Library database occurs automatically for the author of the publication.

Google Scholar not only keeps data of the author’s publications, but also processes various processes with data. For example, the author’s citation index is calculated, which is extremely important for the integration of the author’s scientific heritage to the European space and the world information space as a whole. In addition, Google Scholar is a free and simplified system for the author’s publication.

The Editorial Board of the scientific and methodological collection “Criminalistics and Forensic” strongly urges the authors of publications to maintain a balance between their own scientific interests and the interests of other authors of publications and for this purpose authors should undergo the procedure of registration in the system Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.ua).

The system is based on a Google account. Thus, if the author of the publication has email name@gmail.com, he/she already has a Google account. If the author of the publication does not have such an e-mail address, its registration is free (https://myaccount.google.com/) and this is a very quick process.

After the creation of a Google account (or authors who already have such an account), go to the Google Scholar registration form (https://scholar.google.com.ua/) and follow the steps suggested by the system. The system requires to enter the first name and last name of the author, a working email that is different from your Google account (in another domain zone, that is, with the domain after the @ sign other than “gmail.com” it has been provided to the author, for example, at the main place of work) key words from the author’s area of ​​interest (for example, “forensics”, “forensic examination”, etc.), author’s photo (optional), and the author’s website (if any).    

The system verifies the provided work email (sends an email there that needs to be opened). If the email is opened, the mailbox is considered to be confirmed, and the system informs the author (for example, “the email address in the domain kndise.gov.ua is confirmed”). 

After registration, the system offers the author the search for his articles, resembling a simple Google search.

Among the articles suggested by the system, it is proposed to highlight your own by markers and automatically integrate them into your own profile. It is worth noting that the system automatically searches for articles by the name and surname of the author by which he/she made a registration. For example, this is “Anna Ivanova”. To find the articles of the same author, where she/he is designated as “Ivanova A.”, you should repeat the search with such a search query. The system searches for English and other foreign language transcriptions of the name and surname, you can search by the beginning of the publication name, by keywords, etc. The system maximum provides up to 1000 links among which one can mark your own publications.  

If the system does not contain the publications of the author or their search is difficult, the publication data can be entered manually (button “+” “Add articles manually”).

On the right side of the page, the system automatically displays the author’s citation indexes.

It also provides the ability to search and integrate into your profile data of co-authors who are already registered in the system. The list with photos (if any) is displayed below the form of the citation index. 

Since the author’s citation index and profile in bibliographic databases is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the world scientific space, the Editorial Board hopes that the authors will be conscious and patience and will make a registration in Google Scholar.