Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 302 307 Завантажень: 34, розмiр: 733.9 KB

O. Dzhus


The article presents an approach to research by experts on the correctness of the formation of travel in the event of a railway accident. For example, in the absence of signs indicative of a malfunction of the wagons at the time of the formation of the train (the wagons underwent scheduled repairs, maintenance and prohibition of their release into operation by the employees of the carload economy), there is no need to investigate the discrepancy between the actions of the transportation workers in this case. A clear list of normative documents is also described, which the employees of the wagonsʼ depot when they determine the technical condition of the wagons.

The article deals with regulatory documents regulating the process of train formation. The regulatory documents are set that regulate the setting of wagons when they are formed into trains. In this paper are also specified the terms of obligations for the employees who are carrying out transportation and of the wagonsʼ depot during the formation of the train. All stations on which trains are formed have their own technical features when forming trains. These features are based on objective information al-ready existing about each of the railway directions.

It was paid attention to the fact that employees who are carrying out transportation monitor the serviceability of the wagons only on the documents given to them by employees of the wagonsʼ depot.

Consequently, in the case of railway accidents, which occurred because of the technical malfunction of wagons, it is necessary to investigate the actions of workers in the wagon depot, and who are carrying out transportation.

When faulty wagons arrive in trains is increasing in the dynamic impact of their wheel sets on the rails.

An incorrectly formed train can lead to an increase in longitudinal quasi-static or dynamic forces, which in turn can lead to the displacement of wagons from the train and, as a consequence, to their derailment.

To prevent the derailment of wagons, the actions of railway workers should be aimed at ensuring the formation of trains from wagons in working order.