Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 13 Завантажень: 82, розмiр: 286.7 KB

V. Khakanovskyi


The prerequisites for the automation and computerization of forensic examinations, the problems arising in this and the ways of their solution are considered.

Forensic examinations are classified according to different criteria. Having studied the views of a number of scientists, the author believes that in modern conditions, the classification of forensic examinations requires a certain improvement and supplementation.

Particular attention is paid to the classification of software for expert forensic activity. In the author’s opinion, in modern conditions to classify specialized software products into certain types, kinds is sometimes quite difficult. In particular, what kind of software products are automated dactyloscopic information systems (ADIS) «Dacтo 2000», «Sonda» and so on? On the one hand, these are systems for automated fingerprinting, on the other hand, automated systems, software and hardware complexes for expert fingerprinting studies. Therefore, in certain cases, the separation of said specialized software into classes, types and subspecies is rather conditional.

There are enough problems in automation of expert-criminalistic activity. In particular, the problem of a generalized approach – a kind of strategy for informatization and computerization of forensic examinations. At the same time, these and other problems are likely to always exist, and they need to be resolved on a permanent basis. The fact is that the process of automation of forensic examinations is irreversible, it continues, is increasingly «gaining momentum» and has enormous prospects.