Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 24 Завантажень: 105, розмiр: 342.1 KB

I. Kohutych


The article continues the research of manifestations of one of the so far non – traditional handwriting forensic studies – graphology. In general, a number of aspects of the so-called ideological nature are analyzed that relate to the perspective of graphology as a branch of forensic knowledge, primarily in the sense of isolating an independent field of expert research– graphological expertise.

Despite the fact that the forensic handwriting research is one of the oldest forensic research, today, criminologists, practitioners still have questions about the possibility of forensic examination and other relative documents. In the last decade of the XX century, as a result of the maximum dynamic modification of crime as a social phenomenon, the objective interest in the use, in essence, of “non-traditional” methods of studying criminologically meaningful information, has increased significantly.

Thus, there is a significant need to implement one of these methods in the practice of law enforcement agencies, namely the method of graphological analysis, that is, graphology. To allow graphological research to take the proper place in the tools of the personnel of internal law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to fulfill, at least, the following conditions: the construction of scientifically based and psychologically acceptable methods of analysis and classification of graphological features; development of a reliable set of psychological descriptions of individual characteristics of subjects with access to a practical “typology of persons”; the creation of a special technique for correlating a complex of graphic features with a complex of psychological characteristics of a person, and, finally, to generalize it all in the form of a traditional doctrine for forensic science, etc.

In general, it is reasonable to assert that the graphological method in its content and epistemological orientation is at the junction between psychology and criminology. According to most scholars, this method is a structural element of the writing and lexical-stylistic forensic research methods. On the basis of historical analysis of the achievements of graphology in the legal process and quite successful modern domestic and, above all, world practice, it is justified to consider it as a promising and future independent branch of forensic knowledge that studies the character of a person by her handwriting.

Forensic studies, despite a large number of diverse in time and multilevel publications concerning the scientific validity and tactical and forensic necessity of their use in criminal proceedings, are still far from their actual practical application.

In fact, graphology (not a part of the handwriting expertise) as a kind of technical and forensic research may take its niche in the means of labor law enforcement officers, provided that in addition to the above, its procedural status and the regulated tactics of engaging an expert and conducting relevant forensic research. To fulfill these conditions, it is necessary to identify the main elements that represent graphology as a scientific discipline, the use of which is possible in the criminal proceedings. In other words, one should refer to such so-called methodological concepts as subject, object, task, methods, subjects of expert-graphological research, etc.