Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 24 1 Завантажень: 49, розмiр: 327.9 KB

A. Motliakh


Recognizing a polygraph with a scientific and technical device, scientists have been discussing this area for a long time on the question of which field of knowledge it is more related: to medicine, cybernetics, psychology, psychophysiology etc. However, the polygraph taking advanced, progressive from the above sciences and branches of knowledge went its own way, improving already developed international special methods, adapted by time and practice. As a result, a new field of knowledge was formed which it was called polygraphology. It represents an interdisciplinary field of knowledge about the scientific and methodological foundations, technical, organizational and legal conditions for conducting psychophysiological research of persons using a polygraph for the purpose of diagnosing the information state of the ideal (imaginary) traces of reflections related to the processes of legal proceedings, operational search, labor, official, commercial and other activities.

Regarding criminalistics as a fundamental applied legal science, polygraph examiners are to some extent related to its system and its constituent parts, namely: the general theory of criminalistics; forensic technology; forensic tactics; forensic methods or methods of investigating certain types of crimes. It also applies to other sciences, both legal and psychological. However, despite the polygraph relationship with a number of theoretical and applied sciences and, in particular, criminology to provide practical assistance in the investigation committed criminal offenses, it remains independent, well-formed, interdisciplinary field of knowledge that is developing and improving greatly.