Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Верстка Криміналістика 2019 6.05. 284 294 Завантажень: 34, розмiр: 291.2 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2019.64.25

O. Plakhotnik

The purpose of this article is opening of necessity of application of ECHR practice in the decisions of the investigating judge to increase the value of judicial control over the observance of rights, freedoms and interests of individuals in criminal proceedings. The article includes analysis of the current legislation on the definition of judicial review at the pre-trial investigation stage. Judicial control is revealed through the powers of the investigating judge in criminal proceedings. There were examined opinions of scientists in relation to determinations of judicial control and function of investigation judge on the stage of pre-trial investigation. It is possible to draw conclusion from the analysis of the last scientific researches, that expansion of scopes of judicial control in a criminal production, it is a next step to rethink the value of judicial control in criminal proceedings. Decisions taken by the investigating judge should be based on the principles of legality and rule of law. The conclusion about the need to study the application of ECHR investigating judges to strengthen the role of the court at the stage of pre-trial investigation and reduction of procedural errors that can become new ECHR judgments against Ukraine. Judicial statistics and decision of consequence judges content are analysed with the use of practice of ECHR for 2018 and beginning 2019 years. Out of analysis of judicial statistics a conclusion is made that tendency on application of practice of ECHR in 2019 is slowly, but grows. The necessity of wide use of practice of ECHR courts is examined during realization of judicial control in a criminal proceedings. The estimation is given to expansion of the list of proceedings that must be carried out with the permission of the investigating judge. It is analyzed the shortcomings of the application of the ECHR practice courts and disadvantages such as the decision by the investigating judge ruling, not under criminal procedural rules. The practice of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court is analysed. It is given the risks of the work of the investigating judge, who can relate to undue interference in the work of law enforcement. It is noted the decision of the ECHR “Volokhi against Ukraine” dated November 2, 2006. It is concluded that the judicial review of the investigative actions should also include the application of the ECHR practice, and application of ECHR in the activities of the investigating judge at the pre-trial investigation stage is a prerequisite for respect for the rule rights in criminal proceedings and the strategic task for Ukraine.

Key words: European Court of Human Rights, court control, criminal proceedings.