Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 453 459 Завантажень: 43, розмiр: 922.0 KB

N. Arefina


The article deals with theoretical and methodological problems of ensuring the right of the child to express his own opinion on the issues of determining his place of residence and views on communication with each of his parents after the divorce. The analysis of expert experience in the use of special psychological knowledge in cases on controversial questions about the upbringing and identification of a childʼs place of residence has revealed psychological factors that influence the formation of a childʼs distorted perception of family relationships that have arisen under the influence of the parentʼs incorrect educational position. It is pointed out the psycho traumatic effect of the childʼs stay in the situation of protracted conflict between the former spouses, the main risks of conflict relationships for the proper development of the child are considered. As the consequences of the negative impact on the psychological state and development of the child are indicated: the experience of negative emotions, which leads to mental stress, a violation of the social development situation necessary for the formation of agerelated psychological neoplasms, constructive behavior patterns to ensure an appropriate level of socio-psychological adaptation to life conditions. The need to consolidate at the legislative level the mandatory use of special psychological knowledge in assessing the views of the child on the issues of his place of residence and communication with each of the parents after the dissolution of marriage in the form of psychological expertise. The urgency of the implementation by the social services of the qualified support of families after the dissolution of marriage, which are not able to independently resolve conflict relations, is highlighted, to reduce the negative consequences of the violation of family relations and create optimal conditions for the adaptation of all members of the former family to the new conditions.