Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Shmereho Завантажень: 109, розмiр: 335.4 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2021.66.75

O. Shmereho

The article considers the issues on which the procedure for conducting forensic examinations and expert studies related to the study of the circumstances of oxygen cylinder explosions. Conducting such studies is one of the most difficult in explosive examination, because the results of chemical studies of the remains seized at the site of the explosion do not give any results on the explosive transformation of substances and materials. Examination has to be carried out on the results of such phenomena only on those objects that were found at the site of the explosion. However, there is no expert methodology for conducting such research, and the phenomena of such a process have not been fully studied today. The methodological recommendations developed by the staff of the Institute in the main part are not the result of generalizing the literature data. The recommended system of work consisted primarily of processing the material obtained in the process of accumulating experience in fire-technical and explosive-technical expertise and was the result of a generalization of this experience. The structure and content of the recommended research methods is the result of the analysis and generalization of a large amount of factual material over a long period of experts’ work. The provisions in the guidelines are illustrated with examples from practice. In addition to examples of the experts’ work, there are instructive cases of incorrect, unsuccessful solution of certain issues. This is of cognitive value, provides opportunities to more easily, and correctly address issues raised by experts. Yet, this is only the first experience. Therefore, the authors do not claim to be exhaustive of the stated provisions, believing that these recommendations should be improved based on discussions with the practitioners, further accumulation and generalization of facts of similar phenomena and events.

Key words: special knowledge, oxygen cylinders explosions, hazardous factors for explosions of oxygen cylinders, destructive process.