Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 33 Завантажень: 78, розмiр: 244.6 KB

H. Yankovych


The interests of the fight against crime require not only the constant expansion of the capabilities of forensic science, deep theoretical and experimental studies of objects that fall into the sphere of justice, but also the constant improvement of scientific and methodological work of forensic expert institutions with law enforcement and judicial authorities.

It is important to inform investigators, judges, prosecutors, investigators about new developments in forensic examination with the occurring of new technologies, and on the basis of the analysis of forensic and expert practice to assist them in the active use of special knowledge in the fight against offenses.

By organizing an expert work, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is based on the need to maximize the satisfaction of practice requests. Experts believe that one of their main tasks is to conduct deep and comprehensive research at the level of modern science and technology, using all opportunities to solve the issues facing the experts.

It is necessary to conduct research in the field of forecasting the development of forensic science, necessary for the effectiveness of the search for the most promising research areas and priorities.

With the purpose of a qualitative decision of expert tasks in forensic research of documents of a new generation with elements of high-technology protection, it is necessary to adapt modern technical means for a specific task, to study technology of production of documents of new generation and to make appropriate additions to existing methods. The use of new elements of document protection of a new generation requires the development of a new set of methods for their study and appropriate modernization of existing methods.