Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Криміналістика 65 друк новий 322 337 Завантажень: 111, розмiр: 321.8 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2020.65.31

O. Kyrychenko, O. Tuntula, Yu. Tkach

The introduction discusses the shortcomings of the existing legal regulation of the essence and species diversity of material evidence and personal sources of antitort information and the efforts made by scientists to eliminate them.

The purpose of research is the scientific validation of basic provisions of the innovative understanding of the step-by-step essential species division of subjective, objective and mixed sources of antidelictual information and initiating discussions on the development of the conventional ways to resolve this problem.

The main part of the innovative understanding of the step-by-step essential species division of subjective, objective and mixed sources of antidelictual information.

Disclosed the essence of the species and detailed division of personal resources. Particular attention is given to species division of witnesses on the eyewitness, the paraeyewitness, the parawitness and the poliwitness, the injured, on the de-facto injured, the de-facto parainjured, the de-jure injured and the de-jure parainjured and persecuted – the suspected, accused, defendant, convicted, justified, participial, para participial, kvaziparticipial and kvaziparaparticipial. It was emphasized that the participial appears in the absence of sufficient and consistent body of meaningful, trustworthy and benign of evidence for recognition as a persecuted person guilty or innocent; paraparticipial person, if the person, who committed the criminal offense, did not reach the age of punishment; quasiparticipial person is non-convicted; and a quasiparticipial person – in the absence of action in the anticriminal code.

The essence and the relationship of the tracks (prints, diagnostic mapping, situational mapping) and of the substances (objects, devices, mechanisms, appliances, bodies, substances).

Disclosed the essence, species division and correlation of the subjective, objective, and mixed documents based on letter-documents, image-documents, photo-documents, audio-documents, video-documents, cinema-documents, holograms-documents, electrograph-documents, electronic-documents, plasticdocuments, computer-documents, poly-documents and other types of documents, that may appear as information technology evolves.

In conclusion, given that the innovative understanding of the step-by-step essential species division of subjective, objective and mixed sources of antidelictual information can be the basis for the final resolution of this problem.

Keywords: the personal sources of antidelictual information, the tracks substances, the tracks, the substance, the objective documents, the subjective documents, the mixed documents.