Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 317 324 Завантажень: 42, розмiр: 1016.6 KB

A. Batih A.; Kuzyshyn


The interaction of the track and the rolling stock is one of the most important problems of Ukraineʼs railway transport.

The tasks to be performed when investigating the interaction of the track and the rolling stock contribute, first of all, to the solution of such an important issue as determining the conditions for the safe movement of trains.

In connection with the introduction of modern rolling stock in Ukraine, the speed of passenger trains on the Ukrainian railways has steadily increased. At the same time, scientific research on the stability of rolling stock in direct and curved sections of the road acquires great importance.

Based on this, for the first time, the work of domestic and foreign scientists was systematized on the issue of safety assessment from the derailment of the wheel from the rail, taking into account the tasks that arise during the conduct of the forensic railway transport expertise.

The systematization of the work of domestic and foreign scientists in assessing the stability of rolling stock will allow us to more accurately assess the importance of all methods and approaches, identify their shortcomings and advantages, and make recommendations for improving the method for assessing the stability of rail vehicles on Ukrainian railways. The correct definition of the safety assessment from the derailment of the wheel from the rail will solve one of the most important problems in railway transport, namely, ensuring the safety of the movement of rail vehicles, both at the design stage and during their operation.

Therefore, summing up the foregoing, the solution of the problem of the wheel pair retreat by rolling the wheel onto the rail head should be carried out using the equations of dynamics. This is due to the fact that the main causes of accidents and gatherings are, first of all, deviations in the condition of the track and running parts of the rolling stock from the norms of their maintenance. Also, on the other hand, there are circumstances related to the deficiencies in the design of the running parts of the crews, which do not directly cause a derailment, but are the causes of the development of dynamic processes that lead to increased force of the rolling stock on the way and, finally, cause its derailment.