Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Верстка Криміналістика 2019 6.05. 464 480 Завантажень: 46, розмiр: 2.3 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2019.64.42

R. Yakymenko

In the article, based on the generalization of expert practice of fingerprinting studies, the methods of falsifying traces of human papillary patterns are described. The signs displayed in the traces when using one or another method of fraud are made. The stage of the diagnostic study of fingerprint objects is described based on the examples of several expert studies from practice. As examples, the signs characterizing the transfer of traces of papillary patterns of human hands from one object to another are given. The importance of the diagnostic study during repeated fingerprint examinations is indicated. Descriptions and illustrations of comparison of signs of falsification (transfer) identified in the traces are given. An algorithm for conducting such studies and an approach to integrated assessment is described. It justifies the need for a stage of diagnostic research with the involvement of experts from other specialties (biologists, chemists, physicists, etc.) to establish the origin of the traces. According to the results of the analysis, recommendations were given regarding an integrated expert approach to the assessment of signs which were reflected in the traces identified at the research sites, and on a comprehensive assessment of the signs of the trace-receiving surface from which the traces of human papillary patterns were examined.

The article also substantiates the need to develop guidelines for the diagnostic study of traces of papillary patterns of human hands to determine the method of their origin. Key words: fingerprinting, papillary patterns, falsification, artificial traces.