Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-400-409 Завантажень: 38, розмiр: 302.6 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.40

K. Kovalov

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends in the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document in the context of the development of forensic expertology and forensic documentation in Ukraine and other countries. A scientific and methodological approach to the formation of a methodology for establishing the prescription of a document is proposed, based on the developments of a comprehensive study of the details of documents using special knowledge, analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents, handwriting and linguistics.
Theoretical and methodological aspects of modern trends in the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document in the context of the development of forensic expertology and forensic documentation science in Ukraine and other countries are analyzed.
The formation of scientific and methodological approaches to the study of documents in order to determine the prescription of their production on the basis of scientific, theoretical and practical experience of research and forensic institutions in Ukraine and foreign countries is characterized. The state of development of scientific and methodological foundations for the study of documents is analyzed in order to determine the prescription of their production. The general provisions of the methodology for forensic technical examination of documents are formed in order to determine the prescription of their production.
The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the use of a complex of general scientific and special research methods. In particular, with the help of the dialectical method as a general method of cognition of the issue, the topics are considered in dynamics, and their relationship and interdependence are revealed, thanks to the use of methods of system analysis, formal logic, abstraction and analogy, generalization and classification in the context of the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document, the main trends in the formation of methodological foundations for expanding the possibilities of forensic examination of documents in order to determine the prescription of their products are characterized.
Based on the possibilities of using various special knowledge and analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents, an algorithm for the actions of a forensic expert is proposed in order to determine the prescription of their production.
Taking into account the solid scientific and methodological heritage of the possibilities of combining methods and techniques for solving the problems of forensic handwriting examination and technical examination of documents and streamlining the research processes, a general methodology for conducting a forensic examination in order to establish the prescription of a document is proposed.

Key words: forensic documentation; forensic expertise; forensic technical examination of documents; forensic handwriting examination; determination of the prescription of the document; scientific and methodological bases for determining the prescription of a document; research methods; research methodology.