Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 490 497 Завантажень: 56, розмiр: 750.0 KB

E. Svoboda; P. Antoniuk


The article analyzes the current state of scientific elaboration of theoretical and practical issues of judicial handwriting and judicial handwriting expertise. At the same time, attention is focused on the continuous development of judicial handwriting as an industry of criminalistic technology.

It is noted that modern judicial handwriting is characterized by the implementation of a sufficiently large number of diverse approaches that have taken shape in scientific developments aimed at developing theory and improving the practice of forensic handwriting.

The questions of a methodical and organizational nature are listed in the appointment and conduct of a judicial handwriting examination, which are reflected in the research of forensic scientists. The contribution of modern Ukrainian scientists to the development of the general theory of judicial handwriting and the general methodology for carrying out a forensic handwriting examination are considered. On the basis of the analysis, prospective directions for the further scientific development of judicial handwriting are proposed.

The content of scientific developments of Ukrainian scientists in the field of judicial handwriting during 1991 — 2017 is considered in detail.

Based on the results of the analysis of the development of scientific knowledge in the field of handwriting research, it was concluded that the main efforts of scientists were aimed at: researching general issues of handwriting; the definition of handwriting, signs of writing, handwriting, written speech; method of expert study of handwriting and signature; questions of appointment of examination, expertʼs opinion, its evaluation and use; use of handwriting expertise in other areas; history of handwriting; the history of specialized expert institutions and their human resources; foreign experience in the field of judicial handwriting.

The main perspective directions of further scientific work in the field of judicial handwriting and judicial handwriting expertise are proposed: expert errors and ways to overcome them; improvement of existing and development of new methods of handwriting and signature research; creation of expert systems based on methods of expert assessments, for solving diagnostic and integration problems for hand-written objects executed in unusual conditions; systematization of diagnostic signs of handwriting; the development of methods based on the integrated use of specialized knowledge of judicial handwriting and related expert industries.