Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Kulykovska Завантажень: 119, розмiр: 321.0 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2021.66.59

V. Kulykovska

The article presents an attempt to provide a general methodological concept of document mounting and describe its main methods and features.
The article considers practical examples in which a scheme-algorithm for conducting research is described and a logical chain of established facts is built, which helped in each case to come to a reasoned conclusion.
The article also draws attention to the fact that today the schemes for solving problems to establish the execution of documents using installation are the least developed both theoretically and scientifically-methodically – there is no single terminological approach that allows you to unambiguously interpret and evaluate the results obtained.

Key words: falsified documents by editing, establishing the fact of editing, technical editing of the document, computer-technical editing of the document