Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 307 311 Завантажень: 38, розмiр: 725.8 KB

O. Kovalchuk


Having analyzed the existing definitions of the objects of examination, we can conclude that the objects of the railway-transport expertise are materialized sources and media of information about the circumstances of the event, acting as evidence in the case when the expertʼs conclusion is being fulfilled. This means that in the forensic railway-transport expertise, the facilities are the sources and bearers of various and diverse information contained in the materials of the pre-trial investigation.

The author notes that often in the formation of these materials, a significant part of the information containing the data necessary to solve the questions posed to the expert is not included. This is due to the specifics of the collection of the necessary information based on the knowledge of the regulatory documentation that operates on the railway transport.

In this article, a list of the necessary objects of the forensic railway-transport expertise for the investigation of cases of thefts of materials of the upper structure of the track is considered; traumatizing people by rolling stock, its collision with other vehicles when the members of the locomotive crew train and shunting work.

Since, as the practice of the forensic railway-transport expertise has shown, among the total number of thefts of materials on the upper structure of the track, abductions of the elements of intermediate and butt fasteners occur most often, in this article the author indicates the list of technical parameters of the path necessary for the investigation of these cases.

The author also provided a clear list of the normative documents necessary to determine the actual actions of the members of the locomotive crew and those who suffered during the forensic railway-transport expertise in cases of traumatizing people by rolling stock, its collision with other vehicles when the members of the locomotive crew train and shunting.