Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 13 1 Завантажень: 155, розмiр: 583.4 KB

O. Rybalskyi; V. Soloviov; V. Zhuravel; A. Shablia


The article shows the results of the joint work of the informal team of authors over the past 15 years regarding the creation of new instrumentation systems for examination of materials and means of digital sound recording.

It is shown that the use of the fractal approach to the representation of speech signals and the phonogram noises provided the high technical and operational characteristics of the developed systems.

In the course of the research and development carried out by the authors, the following results were obtained:

1. Theoretical principles have been developed that determined the directions of construction of new domestic instrumental systems for the examination of materials and means of digital sound recording;

2. The instrumental system «Fractal», designed for identification studies of digital sound recording equipment and diagnostic studies of digital phonograms, was also developed in the expert practice;

3. The instrumental system of accelerated search and ranking of speakers for voice messages of small duration in a large voice database was developed and introduced into the practical activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

4. A tool system for the identification of speakers for the parameters of the signals of oral speech was developed and is being tested;

5. The direction of development of instrumental for the system of identification of mounting points in digital phonograms is determined, capable of detecting installation performed by the method of cutting and rearranging fragments;

6. In the development of tool systems, a number of auxiliary subsystems have been developed that greatly facilitate the work of experts, in particular:

– subsystem of automatic segmentation of phonograms;

– subsystem of automatic division of fragments of phonogram on voices of announcers.