Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 31 Завантажень: 80, розмiр: 279.2 KB

V. Kulykovska


The author of the article points out the relevance of the problem of the study of intersecting lines of details of documents in modern technical and forensic examination of documents.

Very often, along with the question about the time of production of a document and its details, there is a question about the sequence of their execution or individual fragments of the document, since, in relative terms, the sequence of execution of fragments of the document, the insertion of any records in this document or in its copies.

Depending on the properties of the studied requisites, different methods are used in each case.

Given the changes that are taking place in the current production of materials of letters (the addition of new and continuous improvement of formulations already available), it is necessary to constantly update existing and create new methods for solving this problem.

The author analyzes the reasons that complicate the decision of the tasks assigned to experts in the performance of these types of research. It is noted that the establishment of the sequence of execution of requisites in the documents is a complex task and the possibility of its solution depends on certain factors – the properties of the materials, which are made strokes of these details (morphological structure, color, the ability to absorb or reflect light radiation, solubility, etc.).

Longstanding expert practice shows that the completion of a number of documents has a strictly regulated procedure, which is often violated, so very often before experts raised questions about the establishment the relative limitation of performance in the documents of its requisites.

In order to solve the problems of establishing a chronological sequence of execution of the requisites of documents, there are methods for studying requisites that have mutual intersections (for example, copying to an adsorbent, moistened with a solvent system, research using a raster electron microscope, etc.). There is also designed and developed a method for establishing the sequence of execution of requisites, which have no intersections. However, this method can be used for a very narrow group of materials (one of the requisites of document is made on a laser mark synthesizing device and the second one with a paste of ballpoint pen, gel ink).

However, each of the methods presented by the author in the article has limitations due to both the capabilities of the method and the specifics of writing materials in the studied strokes because the perception and transformation of these properties in different research methods are different.