Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 17 Завантажень: 58, розмiр: 271.6 KB

I. Pyrih

The article deals with the current problems of improving the forensic support of pre-trial investigation. For the efficiency of any type of human activity, including criminal investigations is required appropriate forensic support. The speed of the investigation, the completeness and quality of the materials collected in the criminal proceedings depend on the quality of the pre-trial investigation of modern advances in science and technology, new methods for detecting and extracting objects related to a crime.

Under the forensic provision of evidence in the pre-trial investigation is the activities of the relevant actors to create the necessary conditions for obtaining forensic knowledge and the use of forensic technology in the activities of the subjects of the process of evidence in the pre-trial investigation on the collection, study, verification and evaluation of evidence and use them for the purpose solving the investigation tasks. Attention is drawn to the fact that the effectiveness of the activity of forensic provision of investigation depends, firstly, on the subjects of the investigation process, namely on their knowledge, abilities and skills in gathering, researching and evaluating evidence using the means of forensic technology. Secondly, the final result is due directly to the availability of this technology, its compliance with modern requirements of scientific and technological progress.

The reform of the expert subdivisions of the law enforcement agencies brought both positive results and led to the emergence of certain problems of forensic provision of investigation of criminal offenses. Among the positive aspects, it should be noted the separation of the functions of forensic and forensic support of the investigation, which assisted in observing the principle of independence of forensic examination. On the other hand there were problems of staffing both in the subdivisions of the State Resaerch Forensic Center and the sectors of technical and forensic provision of investigation departments. Accordingly, the level of forensic training of forensic inspectors of the investigation departments of the National Police is still rather low for today. Insufficient qualification of forensic inspectors affects the final result, namely, the quality of the investigation of criminal offenses. The article proposes the introduction of a multilevel, fundamental training of criminological inspectors for the investigation units of the National Police and forensic experts for the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This training should be carried out on the basis of institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and different educational programs, taking into account the specifics of the practical activities of these subjects.

The article also deals with the problems of ensuring the investigation of the latest advances in the field of forensic technology. The emphasis is placed on insufficient funding of law enforcement agencies in this regard.