I. Krasiuk

A detailed scientific analysis of the signature and short handwritten notes as objects of expert research has been carried out. The essence and understanding of the object of judicial handwriting examination are determined.

The etymology of the terms “document”, “signature”, “short handwritten note” is investigated, the components of the object of forensic handwriting examination are established, on the basis of which the definition of the object of forensic handwriting examination is formulated as a collective concept that includes phenomena, processes and events of objective reality related to handwritten texts, as well as material carriers of information that reflect these phenomena, processes and events, which are sources of information about them and are provided for research by an expert (experts).

It is concluded that “writing” and “handwriting” are close, but independent categories. They correlate with each other as a whole and part of a written functional system, are expressed in a manuscript on the basis of a written and written-motor functional-dynamic complex, have the properties of a wide and narrow profile, are complex and homogeneous objects of forensic handwriting examination.

The characteristic features of the signature are determined: it is an identification mark of a certain person; performed by hand in the form of a graphic image; may consist of letters of the surname or be a conditional graphic design of the surname, initials, name; applied to a document in order to certify various facts and events.

It is emphasized that the material carrier of information about the fact of the letter, its signs and other circumstances that are important in criminal proceedings, in our case, is a small handwritten product (signature and / or a short handwritten note) reflected in the corresponding document. It is proved that the signature and/or a short handwritten note are the components of the complex of objects of forensic handwriting examination. These include the material carrier itself, that is, the document in a forensic sense, as well as the phenomena, processes and events of objective reality associated with the criminal offense under investigation and reflected on the material media provided to the expert (experts) for research.

Key words: small handwriting object, signature, short handwriting, object of ex-
amination, forensic handwriting examination.



I. Kuchynska

The current state of development of the production of portable analytical equipment, which is used in the prevention, detection and investigation of crimes carried out outside the laboratory to provide emergency assistance in criminal investigations or for judicial intelligence.

It is emphasized that investigations conducted directly at the crime scene are extremely important for the acceleration and efficiency of the pre-trial investigation, prevent delays in sending materials to forensic laboratories, and allow finding the perpetrator until he has destroyed the evidence or not. left the crime scene.

An overview of the world’s existing analytical platforms (sensors) is provided, on the basis of which portable equipment is created for convenient, fast, accurate detection of relevant substances during operational (search) actions, prevention and detection of crimes.

The experience of using portable analytical equipment by forensic services of foreign countries is analyzed and noted; There is currently a need for analytical techniques that have sufficiently reliable data and conclusions that serve as evidence in court and could be used to work at the crime scene in real-time.

The latest technological developments create new opportunities for research outside the laboratory. The benefits of forensic real-time forensic investigations are numerous, and such technologies significantly increase the speed of investigations and the efficiency of the criminal justice system.

The issue of covering the peculiarities of technical and forensic support for the investigation of crimes has not yet been properly reflected in the domestic scientific literature.

Specific examples of portable systems for on-site analysis were presented, which had high sensitivity and specificity in conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis in the field of public safety, environmental protection and monitoring of production processes. The most common are ion mobility spectrometry, mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography, followed by determination using a sensitive detector.

Such portable devices/systems are well established for forensic research on drugs, explosives, unidentified substances, paints, polymers, toners, pen pastes, fibres, beverages, blood tests, gems and minerals, successfully used for DNA identification, blood tests to detect group and rhesus factor.

Key words: portable equipment, crime scene, mass spectrometry, spectros-
copy, paper sensors, electrochemical sensors.



O. Fedulova, O. Koshel, V. Prystupa

In the process of investigating fires, the version of involvement in the occurrence of burning emergency modes in electrical equipment and electrical wiring often becomes one of the main ones. The consequence of the current overload of electrical conductors is the appearance of localized short circuit melting on them.

In the indicated context, the most important stage of the study is the establishment of a direct or reverse causal relationship between a fire and a short circuit. The latter is possible due to the fact that the conductor metal is able to store situational trace information in the microstructure, which fixes the parameters of the state of the metal both during its solidification and after that, together with changes in the physicochemical (primarily temperature) environmental conditions.

The main materials for the production of the most common cable products at the moment are copper and aluminium, which is the reason for the fullness of the existing methodological manuals with the development of instrumental methods for establishing the moment of occurrence of short circuits relative to fire exclusively for copper and aluminium conductors.

Bimetallic conductors undeservedly remained outside the field of view of specialized methodological literature. The fact that this fact is an omission is evidenced by repeated cases of receipt of melted fragments of aluminium-copper wiring as objects of expert research in investigations into the causes of fires.

The article pays special attention to the design of bimetallic conductors and the related features of the morphology of the melted areas to avoid erroneous interpretation of the melting of a short circuit of an aluminium-copper, as the deposition of foreign metal on a monometallic copper conductor.

Also, the purpose of this work was to provide specialists who are to investigate short circuits on bimetallic aluminium-copper conductors, including with a metallographic analysis, information missing in the specialised methodological literature regarding the structural features and chemical composition of the short circuit melting metal on conductors of this type.

An example from the expert practice of studying bimetallic (aluminium-copper) conductors with signs of a short circuit is given.

The data presented in the article are based on studies using optical and scanning electron microscopy.

Key words: metallographic analysis, short circuit, forensic fire expert, overcurrent, melting, bimetal, wiring.



O. Koshel

The article reviews an expert study of conductors with melting due to a short circuit from the places of fires. Given the urgency of the problem of low-quality conductors on sale, the issue of studying such objects is considered. The use of counterfeit cable and wire products leads to fires, resulting in both material losses and deaths, while the number of fires caused by low-quality products is increasing.

For the most used copper wires, the electrical properties are determined by the presence of impurities, some of which have a significant effect on electrical resistance. The technical standards for round copper electrical rolling (rolled wire) regulate 19 types of impurities, the content of which is limited to thousandths of a percentage only. Thus, the oxygen content is limited to 0.04 %.

In counterfeit products the content of impurities can be limited only by the limit of solubility in liquid metal. In particular, the oxygen content can reach such limits when there will be a copper eutectic with an oxygen content of 0.39 %. In this case not only electrical, but also mechanical and external properties will change, which practically are manifested as a decrease in plasticity and defects in the conductor surface.

The development of methods for studying conductors with melting has been going on for more than a decade, but nowadays not all of the issues of methodological support have been resolved. The use of such indicators as presence of an eutectic phase in copper conductors in the case of counterfeit products does not have methodological support and additional research is necessary.

Given the possibility that low-quality conductors could be present among the objects of study, it is proposed to use the results of metallographic studies only for cases of undoubted use of only high-quality conductors.

For express assessment in expert studies of the copper wire quality, it is recommended to use tests for twisting-untwisting (assessment of mechanical properties) and surface evaluation of the conductor under insulation on samples of areas which are not damaged by fire. The parameters of the surface condition and rejection signs, the number of twisting-unwinding cycles are set by the manufacturer depending on the diameter of the wire.

Key words: research of conductors with signs of short circuit, counterfeit conductors, metallographic researches of conductors from fire places.



O. Sych, A. Kornienko, N. Yevtushenko

The main types of oxygenates, which are used in the manufacture of motor types of gasoline, are considered. Oxygenates (oxygen-containing compounds) is the general name for lower alcohols and ethers used as high-octane components of motor fuels. For the manufacture of motor types of gasoline, a low-octane base is used to which high-octane components are added. In many cases, lower alcohols (methanol, ethanol, etc.) and ethers (methyl tert-butyl ether, tert-amyl methyl ether, etc.) are used as high-octane components of motor types of gasoline. Straight-run gasoline and stable gasoline are often used as the low-octane gasoline base for mixed motor types of gasoline.

Methanol (CH3OH) is the simplest monohydric alcohol. Methyl alcohol is now produced synthetically from carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is a representative of monohydric alcohols with the formula C2H5OH. The production of ethyl alcohol is possible in several ways: biochemical, hydrolysis, synthetic, or ethylene hydration. For the manufacture of motor types of gasoline, dehydrated ethyl alcohol (bioethanol, an alternative universal component of motor fuel (KMPU), etc.) is used.

Bioethanol is produced according to DSTU 7166: 2010 “Bioethanol. Technical mind”. According to DSTU 7166: 2010, bioethanol is dehydrated ethyl alcohol made from biomass or from raw ethyl alcohol for use as biofuel. As a technological and denaturing additive, gasoline (petroleum products) is introduced into bioethanol in an amount of up to 1.5 % by volume.

KMPU is produced in accordance with TU U 20.5-00372536-001: 2013 “Component of firing motor alternative universal (KMPU). Technical conditions”. An alternative universal motor fuel component is dehydrated ethyl alcohol with a complex of additives, which is used for the manufacture of mixed motor types of gasoline and alternative types of motor types of gasoline. Compositionally, KMPU is similar to bioethanol but differs from it in the presence of another high-octane component – methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).

Methyl tert-butyl ether, formula CH3-O-C (CH3)3 is a product that can be obtained in large quantities by reacting isobutylene with methanol. The advantage of MTBE is its good solubility in gasoline, and, at the same time, it is not washed out of it with water. MTBE does not impair the physical and chemical stability of gasoline; it is characterized by stable anti-knock properties during storage and operation.

The article discusses the results of the study of the listed oxygenates by gasliquid chromatography. This method makes it possible to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of oxygenates and motor types of gasoline based on them.
It is shown that from readily available petroleum components (stable gas gasoline) without the use of complex technological equipment by mixing with oxygenates, it is possible to obtain a gasoline mixture with a high detonation resistance, which is fake gasoline in composition.

When mixing in certain proportions a low-octane gasoline base, for example, stable gas gasoline and oxygenates (lower alcohols, ethers), which have appropriate performance characteristics, it is possible to obtain commercial gasoline that will meet the requirements of regulatory documents (DSTU) for motor types of gasoline.

The considered technology also allows, when mixing in the calculated proportions of commercial gasoline A-92 (A-95) with oxygenates and stable gasoline, to improve the operational characteristics (knock resistance) of the obtained gasoline mixture or to increase the volume of the resulting gasoline mixture without improving its operational characteristics.

Key words: blended types of gasoline, alternative types of gasoline, oxygenates, lower alcohols, ethers, bioethanol, alternative motor fuel component universal.



D. Shynkarenko, I. Konopatska, R. Tsynda, K. Коrol, О. Posilsksyi

General physical and chemical descriptions of phenylethylamine presented grosses-formulas, the molecular masses and indexes of chromatography maintenance of derivatives of phenylethylamine, register in the article, mescaline, and 2С-В behave to that.

During expert research of substances of a group of derivatives of phenylethylamine, the task of quality authentication of research objects that have an alike molecular structure stands before experts.

The analytical approach intended for authentication of the investigated substances envisages the use of a few unconnected inter se methods: methods of providing of high level of selectivity, middle and subzero level of selectivity.

The brought analytical charts over, that give a scientifically reasonable result, when after every method positive result that confirms each other are arrived at.

The aim of the research of this work is an analysis and approbation of existent methodologies of authentication of substances that have an alike molecular structure, and their quantitative research. The process of quality authentication of mescaline and 2С-В, or other derivatives of phenylethylamine, includes for itself extraction and preparation of the test. During realization of screening of the investigated psychotropic substances (mescaline, 2С-В) used: method of quality analytical reactions, method of TLC, method of ultraviolet spectroscopy, method of infra-red spectroscopy, method of gas mass-spectrometry. Quantitative determination of mescaline and 2С-В was conducted by the method of gas mass-spectrometry.

At the research of substances of a group of derivatives to the phenylethylamine expert, it follows to follow the presence of corresponding literary sources and the presence of corresponding analytical equipment (GC, GC/MS, LC/MS, and others like that). In accordance with it, it’s needed to use those or other methodologies of research of substances. The indicated methodologies are subject to obligatory verification before application in a laboratory.

Key words: phenylethylamine, mescaline, 2C-B, chromatography, spectrophotometry, chromato-mass spectroscopy.



S. Nikolyan, A. Tsakanyan, N. Andreasyan, S. Martirosyan

This article discusses the issue of contamination of food products by microorganisms of the genus Proteus, which actively multiply on a protein nutrient medium, causing the rotting of meat, fish, and other protein-rich foods. It is noted that recently in catering facilities there are often cases of toxic infections caused by the presence of these particular bacteria.

The article draws attention to the fact that acute enteroidea, occurring as gastroenteritis, gastritis, or colienteritis, among young children, especially those with reduced immunity, is more severe, accompanied by symptoms of toxicosis, sometimes leading to complications up to hemolytic thrombopenia, anemia, acute renal impairment, etc.

The article presents statistical materials obtained in the course of forensic research carried out in the Food Products and Drinks Expertise Department, which allow us to summarize the importance of strengthening control over the conduct of general sanitary measures and preventive measures in public catering facilities, in particular children’s institutions and hospitals.

Key words: Proteus spp., pathogenicity, food poisoning, food products expertise, meat products.



Rasa Tamošiūnaitė

Recently, the number of expert investi gations in handwriting evidence at the Lithuanian Forensic Examination Centre (LTEC) has significantly decreased. The decrease has been observed for several years already.

The present article analyses possible reasons for the decrease in the number of expert investigations in handwriting in LT EC and the importance of such investigation in the context of judicial research, court proceeding, and criminal investigations.

Also, the article deals with the use of electronic signatures and associated security problems in the digital environment.

Key words: handwriting examination, signature, digital signature, digitized sig-
nature, informativeness of signatures.



K. Graželis, G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė, G. Mozūraitis

The article introduces a new 3D simulation method developed and validated by the Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania, the purpose of which is to automate crime scene investigation and facilitate the performance of expert examination by ensuring the recording of appropriate, reliable and high-quality data and to ensure a clearer visualisation of the case situation. The authors of the articl e present not only the possibilities and the mechanism of applicat ion of the method, but also discuss its compliance with the to international and national standards and data protection requirements applicable for methods of expert investigation.

Keywords: forensic examination, forensic examination method, validation of the
forensic method, 3D modelling, data protection.



Yury Chernov

Formalised handwriting analysis can be a useful supplementary instrument for psychological expertise. It has distingu ished advantages over traditional questionnaire-based psychometric instruments and differs from historically known and scientifically controversial graphology through objectivity, transparency and validity. The article presents several practical examples based on HSDetect software system for handwriting analysis.

Key words: handwriting analysis, handwriting psychology, formalisation, com-
puter-aided analysis, validation, expertise.