P. Teselko; V. Shevchenko

In the work, the modification of photoluminescence spectra in the processing of porous silicon in aqueous solutions with different oxygen contents and aqueous solutions of amino acids was studied in order to further create a sensor sensitive to chemically active oxygen near the surface of porous silicon in the presence of various amino acids. he growth of the photoluminescence intensity at the processing of porous silicon in distilled water and the sensitivity of the intensity of photoluminescence to the oxygen content in water are revealed. It is proposed to use a change in the intensity of luminescence to study the properties of biomolecules, namely the determination of the amount of chemically active oxygen near the surface of porous silicon in the presence of various amino acids.

Changing the sizes of nanocrystals is the main reason for increasing the intensity of photoluminescence when processing porous silicon in aqueous solutions. After applying to the surface of samples of porous silicon aqueous solutions of glycine, alanine, phenylalanine, the intensity of photoluminescence varies for all samples. Changing the sizes of nanocrystals is the main reason for increasing the intensity of photoluminescence when processing porous silicon in aqueous solutions. After applying to the surface of samples of porous silicon aqueous solutions of glycine, alanine, phenylalanine, the intensity of photoluminescence varies for all samples.

Key words: photoluminescence, nanostructured porous silicon, biosensors.



O. Sych; T. Kot

All major types of cooling liquids for motor vehicles are describes herein. Various liquids are used to cool internal-combustion engines. Water is the best cooling liquid in the warm season, when the air temperature is above 00С. Liquids with a low freezing point, namely antifreeze agents are used at temperatures below 00С. Low-freezing coolants – antifreeze agents are prepared by mixing water with one or more components that have the ability to lower the freezing point of the solution. The best low-freezing coolants are mixtures of water with glycols – ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. An additive package is added to the antifreeze compound to improve performance. Depending on the nature of the additives, modern antifreeze agents are divided into three types: traditional, carboxylate and hybrid.

Traditional antifreeze agents (”tosol cooling agent” and modifications) contain inorganic additives and have a small (no more than 2 years) service life, while they do not stand high (more than 1080C) temperatures. According to the classification of the Volkswagen Audi Group proposed by the group of companies, traditional antifreezes with inorganic additives are designated with symbol G11.

Hybrid antifreeze agents (G11+) contain organic and inorganic inhibitors (usually silicates or phosphates). Their service life is up to 3 years.

Carboxylate antifreeze agents (G12) contains corrosion inhibitors based on salts of higher carboxylic acids (carboxylates). Carboxylate antifreezes obtain the longest operating life of up to 5 years.

When conducting operational tests of various types of antifreeze agents for compliance with the requirements of National State Standard 28084-89 (СТ СЭВ 2130-80), “Low-freezing cooling liquids. General technical specifications” it was found that carboxylate antifreezes are inert to products (automobile radiators) made of aluminum and aluminum alloys, while traditional and hybrid antifreezes have a corrosive effect on aluminum and its alloys.

An urgent task in the study of cooling fluids for motor vehicles is the establishment of the nature of additives.

For the identification of carboxylate additives in antifreeze agents, it has been proposed to use the method of molecular spectroscopy in the infrared region of the spectrum. For the study, evaporated samples of antifreeze agents are used. Carboxylate additives are characterized by the presence of absorption bands caused by vibrations of carboxyl groups (COOH) at 1560 cm-1 to 1580 cm-1. The abovementioned absorption bands are not typical for traditional (G11) and hybrid (G11+) antifreeze agents and can be used to identify carboxylate additives in the composition of cooling liquids. This makes it possible to differentiate antifreeze agents by species.

Key words: automobile antifreeze, operational properties, identification, spectral method.



A. Khokh; V. Zvyagintsev

Nowadays, one of the most important activity areas of state institution “Scientific and Practical Centre of The State Forensic Examination Committee of The Republic of Belarus” is plant objects research using dendrochronological analysis. Based on the most significant results were developed methodological recommendations on timber research using tree-ring method in forensic and botanical investigation, and automated workplace “DendroExp” to measure tree ring width. It is known that a dendroanalysis is of a great importance in investigation of offences connected with illegal forestry activity (thefts of wood, illegal forest cutting, frauds with timber, etc.) and also with negative human impact on plant origin objects. This method is based on the following principles: – the annual formation of a clearly visible annual layer in trees growing within the temperate and cold climate zones; – the strict individuality of the radial increment of each specific tree; – synchronous spatial and temporal variations in the width of annual layers in trees growing within a homogeneous according to climatic factors region. Using this method it is possible to determine the age of a tree, establish the time of its death or felling, find out life conditions, the belonging of individual elements of wood to a single tree, the sequence of damages inflicted to the tree, identify environmental conditions of growth, as well as to specify the territory where the investigated timber stand was growing. For the quality execution of dendrochronological expert investigations, special attention shall be given to the inspection of the locus of the accident, since there are the specific nuances in the inspection procedure in this case that require strict adherence when gathering the physical evidences. The article describes approaches to the execution of investigations of objects of plant origin requiring the use of dendroanalysis. It is substantiated that the range of problems solved with the help of this method is very diverse and extremely relevant. The authors believe that in view of the insufficient illumination of this problem in specialized forensic literature the article has practical significance and is of interest to expert biologists.

Key words: forensic research, coniferous timber, algorithm for solving expert problems.


A. Khokh; N. Bobrova

One of the most important areas of study of the state institution ”Scientific and Practical Centre of The State Forensic Expertise Committee of The Republic of Belarus” (hereinafter referred to as “the Centre”) is plant objects research using sporo-pollen analysis. Sporo-pollen analysis is used in solving of trouble-shooting problems connected with identifying the territory by the character of flora while determining the time of a crime. The Center for the first time in the Belarusian expert practice conducts research on pollen and spores of plants for the purpose of attributing to one batch of psychoactive substances impregnated with inactive matrix of vegetable origin. In this article, we propose a variant of optimizing palynological expert studies which consists in creating reference information retrieval system ”PalExp” (hereinafter referred to as “RIRS”) in which all information about pollen contains. The architecture and the main components of such a system, the questions of creating categories of accounting in the context of peculiarities of pallinological expert research and related problems of the formalization of information presentation, the basic requirements for the formation and functioning of the RIRS are presented. Advantages of this system as compared to the traditional sources of dendrochronological information are presented. The execution of forensic-palynological expertise with RIRS has a number of advantages, namely: shortening the investigation time, obtaining weighty evidences, as well as providing additional guarantees against unreasonable bringing of citizens to criminal and administrative responsibility.

Key words: identification of objects, vegetable objects, forensic investigations, information search system ”PALEXP”.



P. Hiverts

The increasing number of homemade sub-machine guns in caliber 9 mm Parabellum received for examination, as well as cartridge cases discharged from this weapon, made it necessary to single out the marks which can be used for group identification. The article gives the results of generalizing and systematization of marks observed during the examinations made in the laboratory. This work singles out the marks and traces which can be observed on the cartridge case surface and can be used for the identification of the type and model of the firearm. The construction features of homemade sub-machine guns were investigated. Among these features are the construction based on open bolt mechanical scheme, the use of static firing pin, methods of barrel assembling and fixing into the body of the weapon, which can lead to the appearance of a hole in the chamber, etc. The article also shows the influence of the tool processing on leaving special marks and traces on the breach face. These marks can also be used for the group identification.

Based on the results of the research the article distinguishes between the main signs, which can be used for group identification, the sings similar to the ones known in factory-made weapons and the signs typical of homemade firearms.

The first group consists of the marks of ejector and the extractor cutouts and the firing pin mark. For these sings the article describes special characteristics which makes it possible to distinguish them from the marks commonly observed on the factory-made examples.

To the marks typical of homemade sub-machine guns can be applied breach face marks, cartridge case deformation, caused by differences between the sizes of the chamber and the cartridge, cartridge deformation while shooting when the cartridge case is not supported by the chamber, perforation of the sidewall of the cartridge case, etc.

The article also discusses the issue of cartridge case comparison and individual identification. Great variety of the traces and marks as a result of low-quality tool processing was revealed. This can be the factor which makes comparison more difficult. However, the big number of individual marks observed on the cartridge cases makes it possible to come to well-grounded conclusion.

Key words: cartridge cases, submachine guns, type and kind of weapon, expert practice.



R. Yakymenko

In the article, based on the generalization of expert practice of fingerprinting studies, the methods of falsifying traces of human papillary patterns are described. The signs displayed in the traces when using one or another method of fraud are made. The stage of the diagnostic study of fingerprint objects is described based on the examples of several expert studies from practice. As examples, the signs characterizing the transfer of traces of papillary patterns of human hands from one object to another are given. The importance of the diagnostic study during repeated fingerprint examinations is indicated. Descriptions and illustrations of comparison of signs of falsification (transfer) identified in the traces are given. An algorithm for conducting such studies and an approach to integrated assessment is described. It justifies the need for a stage of diagnostic research with the involvement of experts from other specialties (biologists, chemists, physicists, etc.) to establish the origin of the traces. According to the results of the analysis, recommendations were given regarding an integrated expert approach to the assessment of signs which were reflected in the traces identified at the research sites, and on a comprehensive assessment of the signs of the trace-receiving surface from which the traces of human papillary patterns were examined.

The article also substantiates the need to develop guidelines for the diagnostic study of traces of papillary patterns of human hands to determine the method of their origin. Key words: fingerprinting, papillary patterns, falsification, artificial traces.



S. Naumenko

Summarizing the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions: documents made on a polymer basis have both certain advantages and disadvantages, most of the drawbacks are connected with the use of decentralized personalization, insufficiently effective control over consumable materials and the possibility to reuse the original form for the processing a fake document. The advantage of identification documents is the use in their production and centralized personalization of modern technological solutions, which ensures the presence of a complex of security features. Therefore, in order to ensure the proper level of examination of identification documents, experts should be provided with samples or electronic collections with a description of security features and equipped with modern equipment.

Key words: fake, identification documents, expert research.



N. Molyboha

The article deals with the question of determining from what distance a shot was made from a firearm. After determining the distance, a sector is set in which the shooter was possibly located. The solution to this issue is carried out in several ways.

The most common method is to sight, the essence of which is to reproduce the line of flight of the projectile for the existing damage on the obstacles. To do this, take two distances from one another, formed by one projectile, or a blind damage with a deep bullet channel.

Establishing the distance at which the shot was fired makes it possible to determine a wider spectrum of detection of traces and other material evidence, such as shells, bullets, soot, oil, and other traces.

A preliminary trace analysis makes it possible to establish the mechanism of the crime committed, discard the version of whether the accident occurred, suicide or to confirm the version of the murder.

Key words: the place of shot, input-output hole, distance of shot, sighting.



V. Bandurko

The article is devoted to the consideration of problematic situations that may arise when determining interfering factors (natural, artificial) when in the investigated signature their combined effect manifests itself or the presence of the same information content under the influence of various interfering factors is found.

Considering the possibility of such complex cases arising from the ambiguity of the origin of interfering factors, with insufficient information content of the signature, an insignificant number of free samples identifying features that prevailed over others, the ability to explain the differences and the lack of full confidence in the categorical expert is a probable form of conclusion.

To sum up it can be concluded that handwriting experts obtain scientific research on the identification of interfering factors affecting the signer. The level of knowledge and experience of the expert, the perfection of research methods, etc. will play an important role.

Key words: signature, interfering factors, natural, artificial.



A. Svankulov

The article describes the use of linguistic and psychological knowledge in the forensic expert activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent form of complex psychological and philological research where experts who obtained knowledge in the field of psychology and philology take part.

During the implementation of this type of research, research methods have been developed that are included in the State Register of Methods of Forensic Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the article states that further development of this area in forensic expert activities will contribute to the formation of a new type of research – Forensic Religious Expertise.

The direct application of linguistic knowledge in conducting forensic expertises is subdivided into five areas, such as: expert examination of real works on charges of extremist activity, as well as on charges of violating racial, religious, national and social hate and hostility, linguistic examination of advertising texts and treaties, linguistic expert examination of trademarks, verbal study of crimes related to the propaganda of extremism and terrorism, in the investigation of corruption crimes, fraud, extortion.

The article also shows the connection of the linguistic expertise with other types, for example, with a judicial video phonography examination, in case of the need for identification of the speaker by verbal speech on the phonogram under study, during the author’s examination for the authorship of the text, in the psychological and forensic expertise – for the solution of question of the learned speeches of the suspect, other persons during the interrogation, other investigative actions.

The author presents the results of a comparative analysis of the use of linguistic knowledge abroad, in particular, in the UK. Its peculiarity is that linguistic research is carried out at scientific educational centers of the humanitarian orientation. The following directions in linguistic studies conducted in this country are considered: a) forensic authore-identification, the essence of which is the determining the authorship of oral or written text, individual characteristics of the author (age, way of life, religious and political views, nationality, gender, profession, etc., b) forensic phonetics which involves the use of phonetics and phonology – sections of linguistics, c) forensic stylistics aimed at solving issues related to the plagiarism of the semantic content of the texts, while the author states that in Kazakhstan the decision on this issue is assigned to the competence of authore-identification examination, d) discourse analysis as the most promising type of research at present, is connected with research of written, verbal text in combination with non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions).

Key words: legal linguistics, discourse, psychological and philological examination, forensic authore-identification, products of speech activity, linguistic research, psychological research.