Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-731-766 Завантажень: 47, розмiр: 579.7 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.71

I. Yatsenko

The author formulated the conceptual principles of professional training of forensic veterinary experts in state-specialized expert institutions of Ukraine. It was established that the process of training forensic veterinary experts is technologically complex, multilevel and responsible. It develops in institutions of higher education that train veterinary doctors and ends in state expert institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, in which a doctor of veterinary medicine with a specialist or master’s degree, who intends to obtain the qualification of a forensic veterinary expert, undergoes expert training by expert speciality 18.1 «Veterinary research», mastering the theoretical, organizational and procedural provisions of forensic examination and forensic veterinary examination in particular, acquires practical skills in mastering methods and methodical recommendations; prepares drafts of expert opinions and reviews drafts of expert opinions, as well as the attestation process and obtains the qualification of a forensic expert in the above-mentioned expert speciality, takes the oath of a forensic expert, after which independently on a professional basis carries out forensic expert activities in the field of forensic veterinary examination.
Attention is focused on the fact that a person who intends to obtain or confirm the qualification of a forensic expert in the expert speciality 18.1 «Veterinary research» must have exclusively a higher veterinary education, the qualification of a doctor of veterinary medicine with a master’s degree or a specialist, knowledge field 21 «Veterinary medicine», speciality 211 «Veterinary Medicine». Specialists who have a diploma of another higher education, except veterinary, cannot claim to obtain or confirm the qualification of a forensic expert in the expert speciality 18.1 «Veterinary research».
It is claimed that the internship of veterinary medicine doctors intending to obtain the qualification of a forensic veterinary expert is carried out for the first time according to program No. 1 (176 hours) developed by us and approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the internship of a veterinary medicine doctor intending to confirm the qualification of a forensic expert for the first time veterinary expert according to program No. 2 (118 hours), the internship of a doctor of veterinary medicine who intends to confirm the qualification of a forensic veterinary expert for the second and subsequent times is carried out according to program No. 3 (79 hours).
It is proposed to supplement the «List of recommended scientific, technical and reference literature» with a list of the latest scientific works published by us on the issues of forensic veterinary examination.
Based on the analysis of the principles of training forensic veterinary experts in Ukraine, we have identified problems in this area of activity, and to overcome them, we have proposed a system of specific measures, including the development and implementation of the «Rating System of Forensic Expert Activity» in the forensic activity.

Key words: forensic veterinary expertise, forensic expert, personnel training, training, state specialized expert institutions, expert speciality 18.1 Veterinary research.