Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Lutsenko Завантажень: 118, розмiр: 1.5 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2021.66.67

S. Lutsenko, O. Vysikan, H. Kapustiuk, V. Draliuk

The article deals with the possibilities of digital radiography when conducting diagnostic studies of industrial ammunition and improvised explosive devices during forensic explosive examinations. It is indicated that when conducting diagnostic studies of industrial-made ammunition and improvised explosive devices, there is a possibility of an abnormal operation (explosion) of the ammunition (a high level of danger to the life and health of experts). Therefore, in order to solve diagnostic problems in forensic explosive technical examinations, modern research methods are used, one of which is the non-destructive method. It is indicated that of the available non-destructive methods, the methods of X-ray and gamma-ray transmission have the greatest clarity and objectivity. It can be concluded that the most widespread method for diagnostic studies of industrial ammunition and improvised explosive devices is the method of X-ray transmission from the listed capabilities and characteristics of these methods.
The X-ray examination is a non-destructive method of diagnosing research objects using digital radiography. There are listed main tasks of X-ray studies of explosive devices. Further, in the article are presented the possibilities and results of X-ray studies of industrial-made ammunition carried out by experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine using an X-ray television introscope Go-Scan, manufactured by Teledyne ICM (Belgium). From the results of the analysis of the capabilities of digital radiography during diagnostic studies of industrial-made ammunition and improvised explosive devices, it is concluded that digital radiography makes it possible to determine the internal design of explosive devices without dismantling its, its condition, a possible principle of activation, obtain objective quantitative data, document the obtained in the course of research data, and the addition of additional channels of information makes it possible to significantly expand the amount of information received, to make it more visual, accessible for comparative research, to obtain parametric indicators, which, in turn, improves the quality of diagnostic studies of explosive devices. In addition, a serious advantage of the X-ray method is the ability to conduct research at the location of ammunition and improvised explosive devices or in laboratory conditions without dismantling its, which allows to preserve the research object for its further or re-examination, as well as providing it in the future in the courtroom as physical evidence.

Keywords: explosives examination, X-ray examination, non-destructive method, industrial ammunition, improvised explosive devices