Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-659-667 Завантажень: 47, розмiр: 320.4 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.66

I. Stadnik

Judicial consideration of family disputes, in which the interests of the child are affected, is particularly difficult, since in its course not only controversial issues between parents and other persons are resolved, but also the fate of the child is determined. The key in expert practice in this matter remains the reluctance or inability of parents to understand the full depth of the traumatic situation in which their child falls, reacting to the emotions and actions of their parents.
In the process of writing the article, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, grouping and logical generalization were used in order to theoretically study the existing practices and own experience of expert research and to form the key directions of the work of a forensic expert in family conflicts.
The current experiences, feelings and emotions of children who, after the divorce of their parents, remain living with one of them, but constantly suffer from the unsatisfied ambitions of the other parent with whom the child does not live, are considered. In the example of specific children and the family situations in which they found themselves, the negative impact of factors and situations, in particular, questioning of children within the framework of a court session, forcibly depriving a child of the opportunity to choose a place of residence, limiting contacts and meetings with one of the parents on the psychological development of the child, was analyzed, formation of the child’s attitude towards himself and the surrounding world, determination of the direction of his social contacts in the future. Established regularities of children’s behavioural characteristics, in accordance with modern ideas about the driving forces, sources and conditions for the development of the psyche of the individual – the child’s mental development is mediated by communication and interaction with adults, and first of all, with parents. The child’s emotions, feelings and attachment to his parents, his real desire to live with one of them, taking into account the child’s opinion and inner desire when choosing a place of residence are determined. It is established that a differentiated approach should be used when choosing a place of residence, the child should not experience traumatic experiences and feelings of guilt, choosing one of the parents to whom he feels more attached at the moment.

Key words: attachment, parent-child relationship, imprinting, forensic psychological examination, children’s perceptions, family conflicts, emotional states, significant adult.