Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-506-523 Завантажень: 57, розмiр: 1.3 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.51

S. Rohalin

The study of the facts and circumstances of the unaccounted use of energy resources by consumers, primarily electric energy, natural gas, hot and cold water in the practice of conducting electrical and heat engineering types of forensic examinations, is one of the most common. The initial data in forensic research in this area, namely the data of acts on the violation of the consumption of these energy resources, including information on fixing the impact on the metering device of a constant magnetic field by magnetic field effect indicator (MFEI), which in the cases under study is usually denied by the consumer as his intentional actions to create such a field. The expert task of forensic examinations in this area requires an unambiguous definition of the operation of a MFEI from a constant magnetic field with certain power characteristics, with the exclusion of other factors of influence.
The most common modern designs of magnetic field impact indicators in use, which are installed by energy sales enterprises as fixing technical means of interfering with the operation of consumer metering devices when using energy resources as a result of exposure to an external constant magnetic field, are considered. The triggering mechanism of MFEI of different designs is analyzed. According to the constructive construction and principle of operation, the indicators of the influence of the magnetic field are divided into separate classification groups. Signs of atypical triggering of the MFEI are considered. Cases of activation of indicators of the impact of the magnetic field are determined, requiring a comprehensive study using research methods of various forensic specialties to establish the fact of interference in the operation of metering devices in order to unaccounted for the consumption of energy resources.
Recommendations are given on the application of the method of modeling a constant magnetic field with the reproduction of the conditions for the operation of the investigated MFEI to establish the fact of interference in the operation of the meter by exposing it to an external constant magnetic field in order to unaccounted for the consumption of energy resources. The necessity of performing a check of the operable state of the MFEI in expert experience in the study of the fact of the existence of the influence of a constant magnetic field on the metering device for energy consumption is substantiated.

Key words: metering device (meter), interference in metering device operation, constant magnetic field, magnetic field effect indicator (MFEI), magnetic field induction, permanent magnet, distribution of power magnetic lines.