Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF A2fc25cb69 186 195 Завантажень: 45, розмiр: 1.0 MB

I. Kohutych


The article examines the manifestations and prospects of one of the so far non — traditional forensic handwriting studies — graphology. It is grounded that the very formulation of the question of graphological studies in handwriting in its entirety is rightfully related to such stage of the development of forensic handwriting, when reliable experimental results on the stability of signs of handwriting will be obtained together with the studies of characteristics that are subjected to change under the influence of a complex of counteracting factors. Therefore, one can not yet speak of the full recognition of graphology in criminology. However, the revival of the very idea of the possibility of establishing different qualities of a person by her handwriting is on time.

It may be hoped that, based on the experiences of scholars and practitioners from Hungary, Italy, Germany, the USA, Israel and other countries, where not only respectable and authoritative graphological societies have been created, but also graphology is studied in higher education institutions, Ukrainian scientists and researchers will also make a significant contribution to the development of a separate forensic doctrine dealing with psychological examination of handwriting, that is graphological analysis of written language, which teaching principles will be appropriate for achieving the objectives and solving the tasks of criminal proceedings. Otherwise they may reasonably ascertain in a scientifically convincing way the worthlessness and inefficiency of this method for the informational provision of pre-trial investigation and forensic examination.

The elaboration of an investigation methodology studying the informational content of handwriting as one of multicomponent and complex objects of the forensic doctrine concerning handwriting should take place in two main directions: traditional and non-traditional (“new”). The traditional aspect of this elaboration involves the further study of handwriting features (properties) which are essential in terms of expert tasks. The “new” trend in the development of forensic graphoanalysis (questioned document examination) is associated with the investigation of relationships between a personʼs handwriting and personality properties. The difficulty here is that both of the mentioned systems (“personality” and “handwriting”) are not unambiguous in the scientific aspect, both in the context of their cognition (study, research) and in their relationship, correlation and interdependence.

The forensic graphology, as a subspecies of forensic handwriting analysis, should actively use various forms of tests, first of all written ones, for the determination of a personʼs temperament according to the force of excitation and inhibition processes, mobility of nervous processes; definition of polar properties: excitement — balance, extraversion — introversion, rigidity — plasticity; reaction rate, etc. The experimental research using exactly these tests also will be especially useful for the future elaboration of a methodology for determining the psychological properties of an individual based on the personal handwriting, which should become the foundation for the formation of the theory of forensic (judicial) graphology.