A. Batih; A. Kuzyshyn
The interaction of the track and rolling stock is one of the most important problems of railway transport. When locomotives move in curved sections of the railway track, horizontal forces arise that lead to the crest of the wheel pair pressing against the rail head. The combination of these forces with the unloading of the wheel pair can lead to derailment.
When carrying out the forensic railway transport expertise to determine the stability of rolling stock in the straight and curved sections of the track, one of the most important parameters is the frame force.
The object of this study is a two-axle bogie of an electric locomotive VL80.
The calculated values of the magnitude of the frame force of an electric locomotive VL80, which acts on the trolley on the body side of the locomotive section. Based on the results obtained, the frame force versus the time of movement of an electric locomotive along the corresponding curve was constructed with a change in the speed of movement and corresponding increase in the external rail elevation.
The improvement of the method of determination of the frame strength will be improve the accuracy of calculations in the analysis of traffic safety and in the conduct of forensic railway transport expertise.