Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-391-400 Завантажень: 65, розмiр: 1.2 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.39

V. Kulykovska

Long-term expert practice indicates that the filling of a number of documents has a strictly regulated, often violated order.
In the article, the author points out the relevance in modern technical and forensic examination of documents of solving the issue of chronological drawing of strokes of the details of the document (study of the sequence of their implementation), since most often the solution of this particular issue is the only way to establish the truth about the validity or falsification of the document. Taking into account the changes in the writing materials (the addition of new and constant improvement of existing recipes) occurring in modern production, it is necessary to constantly update existing and create new methods for solving this problem.
The author pointed out significant progress in the direction of applying a technique based on the use of modern capabilities of optical microscopes and embedded systems for visualization and digital registration of a picture that is observed under a microscope, taking into account the printing process of devices with laser printing technology, in which toner is used to transfer the image to paper. powder, laser beam and static electricity.
The article considers an approach to the application of the method of establishing the sequence of execution of the details of documents, one of which is made by the method of electrophotography in the absence of places of their mutual cross-section. The analysis of the results obtained in the course of expert studies is presented. The scheme algorithm of the conducted experimental studies is described and a logical chain of established facts is built. The illustrations of the results of the conducted research are given.
It is indicated in the article, which continues the study of the details obtained by the electrophotographic method on different brands and models of laser devices, as well as the quantitative dependence of toner microparticles within a stroke on the depth of the relief from the writing instrument assembly.
The author of the article notes that even in the presence of the instrumental base, methodically competent development of the conditions of application is required, and in general, conducting expert research requires the expert not only to have knowledge of existing research methods but also the ability to correctly evaluate the results obtained.

Key words: devices with laser printing technology, electrographic method, writing materials, toner «background», microparticles of toner, average density of toner «background», colour dyed films, video spectral comparator.