Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF vypusk_68-668-688 Завантажень: 73, розмiр: 1.2 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2023.68.67

А. Doluda, V. Fedorenko, O. Puklich

The publication is devoted to issues of theory and practice of forensic expert art examination on the symbolism of the military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine within the framework of the forensic speciality 15.1 – «Art examination». The categories «symbol» and «symbolism» are analyzed, as well as the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On the prohibition of propaganda of the russian nazi totalitarian regime, armed aggression of the russian federation as a terrorist state against Ukraine, symbols of the military invasion of the russian nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine», which define such objects of expert research as the Latin letters «Z», «V» and the symbols of the armed forces and other military formations of the russian federation, which carry out military aggression against Ukraine. The provisions of the current legislation regarding the ban on the production and promotion of St. George’s ribbon (guards’ ribbon) are being studied.
The main forms of using the symbols of the military invasion of the russian nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine are determined. The peculiarities of expert examination of relevant objects by forensic art experts are characterized. Proposals regarding the improvement of the current criminal legislation in terms of responsibility for the use of symbols of the military invasion of the russian nazi totalitarian regime are substantiated.

Key words: forensic research, forensic art examination, symbol, emblem, war crimes of the russian federation, symbols of the military invasion of the russian nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine, Latin letters «Z», «V», symbols of the armed forces of the russian federation, St. George’s ribbon (guards’ ribbon).