Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Криміналістика 65 друк новий 423 800 Завантажень: 113, розмiр: 9.1 MB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2020.65.41

H. Yankovych

The article addresses issues relating to forensic and technical studies of newgeneration identity documents and other documents equipped with high-tech anticounterfeiting protection.

In order to solve the expert problems in the forensic and technical examination of the new generation of documents, identity of the new generation, and other documents with elements of high-tech protection, it is necessary to adapt modern technical means to specific tasks. The challenge is to familiarize ourselves with the technology of the next generation of identity documents and other documents with high-tech protection elements and the introduction of appropriate additions into existing methods.

Analysis of the main types of protection of printed products, namely new generation documents, identity documents, securities and other documents equipped with high-tech elements of protection against counterfeiting, shows that there are many different methods of protection. The most common among this is the attraction of appropriate printing technologies using mathematical methods, in particular, the creation of guilloche drawings with the formation of a graphic database and the development of software for computer synthesis of guilloche compositions and protective nets.

The use of new elements of document protection requires the development of a new set of methods for their research and the proper modernization of existing methods. Expert research of documents includes a set of modern special equipment together with professional competence of expert and relevant information. The current level of high-tech development allows the creation of new means of protection of identity documents, such as passport and visa documents, plastic ID cards and other documents.

The need to develop and implement new remedies for this category of documents is primarily due to the need to monitor interstate movement and take into account persons wanted or engaged in criminal activities.

The article outlined in this article could serve as a basis for the creation and improvement of the methodology for the study of new-generation documents in order to improve the effectiveness of forensic research of documents.

Key words: The latest technologies, modern methods of examination of identity documents, elements of high-tech document protection, new research methods, electronic database of the new generation documents collections.