Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Grebenyuk67 Завантажень: 160, розмiр: 289.3 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2022.67.28

A. Grebenyuk

The purpose of the publication is to improve the concept, disclose the content and generalize the classification of tactical operations conducted during the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, as well as develop forensic recommendations for
the use of covert investigative (search) actions and compliance with information security measures.

The need for tactical operations in the investigation of criminal offenses is due to the fact that in complex investigative situations, single and disparate actions to achieve the desired goal is impossible, or sometimes extremely difficult. It is possible to classify tactical operations in the investigation of a crime on various differentiated grounds. The components of a tactical operation are the means, forces (participants), leader, tools and conditions.

A tactical operation is defined as a system (complex) of investigative, operational and investigative and other (usually organizational) activities carried out according to a single plan under the guidance of an investigator and aimed at solving certain intermediate tasks subordinated to the general objectives of successful pretrial investigation of a criminal offense.

The use of covert investigative (search) actions during a tactical operation imposes a number of mandatory requirements on such a tactical and forensic complex.

Information security of the tactical operation, in case of opposition to the investigation of a criminal offense, should include measures: appropriate personnel of the participants of the tactical operation; inclusion in the garlic of the operation of information security specialists; instructing the participants of the tactical operation on the procedure for the circulation of information containing investigative secrecy; information protection measures both in the premises where the participants of the operation are located and in the premises and on the territory where the investigative actions, operative-search and organizational measures are carried out; prevention of leakage of data that constitute investigative secrecy from direct and indirect participants in investigative actions, operational and investigative and organizational measures; introduction of a proper procedure for the circulation of information containing investigative secrecy between the participants in the tactical operation, with the definition of access levels, awareness, channels and forms of transmission; determining the procedure for responding to the leakage of such information by conducting appropriate official inspections, especially in cases where the participants in
the tactical operation are employees of various departments (Security Service of Ukraine, National Police, Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, state border guards, etc.).

Key words: tactical operation, complex tactical tool, combination of investigative actions, information security, covert investigative (search) action, counteraction to investigation, detection and investigation of crimes, methods of crime investigation.