Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF 43 Завантажень: 129, розмiр: 282.1 KB

I. Varavina; O. Samkova; A. Plotnytska


Agricultural expertise is a block of expertise that carries out research on issues related to agricultural productivity in determining insurance compensations. The block of agricultural expertise includes the following types of expertise: agronomic, agro-technical and agrochemical.

The subject of forensic agricultural expertise is factual data that are established in the process of research on the basis of special agricultural and forensic knowledge and refer to the subject of evidence. The objects of forensic agricultural expertise are agricultural crops and documents that have relations to agricultural production.

Summarizing the practice of appointment of examinations at Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise with the involvement of the relevant specialized laboratories, it has been found the following main reasons (objective and subjective): negligent management, unprofessional soil treatment, lack of quality control system and product safety (seeding and planting material) of the agro-industrial complex.

Summarizing the practice of conducting expert examinations at Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Experts, based on scientific, methodological and technical support, on the issues raised by the decision or the court’s decision, it is possible to give answers regarding the taxonomic affiliation (genus, species) of seeds and plants, the varietal conformity of seed and plant material, the content of protective means in the sowing and planting material, changes in grain quality indicators. The solution of other issues, mainly the establishment of a cause and effect relationship, necessary to clarify the circumstances of the case when agronomic, agro-technical expertise is carried out, remain open, because:

– it is necessary to provide legal support and regulatory documents for state support (the national program for the protection and control of land resources, an effective system for quality control and safety of agricultural products (seeding and planting material) of the agro-industrial complex;

– there are no specialists in this area as well as scientific and methodical support for conducting research in the system of forensic institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.