Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Криміналістика 65 друк новий 770 776 Завантажень: 78, розмiр: 293.8 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2020.65.77

Yu. Foris, O. Yudina, V. Vynohradova

The article deals with the history of the museum from the year 1913 up to 2020. The premises and the exposition of the museum are described.

The history of the museum begins with the history of the Kyiv Institute, since the first museum was established under the Cabinet and the Cabinet under the Prosecutor of the Kyiv Judicial Chamber. The museum housed seized items that were material evidence in criminal cases. During the Second World War and after it, the Kyiv Institute did not initially have its premises. For a long time, the institute had problems with the premises, until the question of the dissolution of the institute was raised due to the inability to provide it with the proper premises Up to its one hundred jubilee celebration, the museum has to be restored once again. Particularly, this is the merit of Oleksandr Ruvin, the Director of the Kyiv Institute, the ideological organizer and leader who decided to create the museum and Dytro Hamov,the exemployee of the Kyiv Institute, whose efforts created the exposition.The exhibits for the Museum of the Kyiv Institute have been collected for decades, kept by the staff of the Institute and passed from one expert unit to another. Some of the exhibits were donated by colleagues. Part of the exhibits was selected within the Institute from the other departments (information-reference fund, archive, etc.), part was donated to the museum free of charge by individuals and organizations.

The exhibits of the museum are unsuitable for use on a previously scheduled destination, and those left out of the civil circulation, items of scientific interest.

In general, it should be noted that the dream of many generations of employees of the Institute came true, the Kyiv Institute operates its own forensic museum. However, the exposition also presents other types of forensics. The exhibits of the museum tell about the glorious past of the Kyiv Institute and set up an optimistic view of its future. The museum exhibits also eloquently confirm that one should not abandon the history of the establishment of the institute until the advent of Soviet rule and the onset of 1923, when the institute was “founded” once again, as this history has taken place and imprinted on the continued existence of both science and expert practice, not only the Kyiv Institute, but all forensic and expert institutions.

Keywords: museum, forensics, exposition, exhibit, history, stand.