V. Bandurko

The thesis is aimed at considering situations that arise during the performance of handwriting examinations in which conclusions are possible that have various legal consequences for the parties to the trial. This is because of the fact that when assigning a handwriting examination, there are situations when a small number of signature samples are provided for a comparative study or the interested party of the torturer misleads the expert by providing false signature samples.
By carefully studying the case materials, the expert manages to establish additional samples of signatures, which are not mentioned in the document on the appointment of a handwriting examination. It helps the expert to determine and come to a categorical conclusion which case the signature in the document under study was affixed not by the person himself, but by another person. Or confirm the fact with one hundred percent certainty that the signature was made by one of the relatives.
In such cases, if it were not for additional samples from the case materials, it is possible for an expert to come to a false conclusion. The question may arise whether the expert violates sub-clause 3, clause 2.3. Instructions, the expert is prohibited from: “independently collecting materials that are subject to research, as well as choosing outgoing data for the examination, if they are displayed ambiguously in the materials provided to him/her”. But clause 2.1. of the Instruction state that the expert has the right to indicate in his conclusion the facts revealed during the examination that are significant for the case, but regarding which he/she was not asked questions and the circumstances that contributed (could contribute) to the commission of the offense.

Key words: handwriting, preparatory stage, comparative samples, signature, re-examination, categorical conclusion.



I. Zablotskyi, V. Pereimybida

The last decades have been characterized by the rapid development of computer technologies and its widespread use in various fields of science, education, production, etc. The sphere of law enforcement is no exception, including the use of these technologies for conducting expert research. At the same time, certain problems of digitalization (translation of information into digital form) of technical and forensic studies and, in particular, studies of handwriting studies, are still observed.
The article deals with the issue of the possibility of using the computer system AutoCAD in determining the identification signs in the handwriting examination of signatures.
Comparing the numerical values of handwriting features obtained for a number of samples and for the objects under study, at the stage of comparative research, it is possible to establish whether the resulting numerical values characterizing some individual graphic features of the signature under study do not go beyond the variability limits determined for samples of signatures of a certain person
Perhaps, by deepening and developing this method, it will be possible to identify such parameters that are characteristic only of the signature of a certain person.
It should be noted that the proposed method of numerical expression of some graphic features of signatures does not cover all the variety of these features. These are signs related to the shape of the movements, direction, curvature, sequence of execution, the method of beginning and ending movements, etc. Such incompleteness needs to be carefully refined and opens wide opportunities for further research.

Key words: signature, identification features, AutoCAD, coordinate system, signature line, limits of variability.



D. Haidamakina, O. Drobysheva, V. Abrosymova, N. Syrotenko

Based on the analysis of the literature and expert practice on the study of letterless signatures, theoretical knowledge was systematized in relation to the study of this type of objects in order to solve identification problems, certain patterns and ways of forming letterless signatures were established, and the structure of the process of solving the identification problem was determined. The authors have proposed certain criteria by which one could testify about the stability of features in letterless signatures. Unlike handwritten notes, any signature is made not in order to convey certain thoughts to the reader, but in order to verify the identity of the writer, since the signature is a verification mark. When making handwritten notes, the writer tries to make letters and numbers in a form that would not cause the reader to doubt what words and numbers they represent. When executing the signature, the performer does not strive for such a goal and only wants to convince the reader that the signature was made by a specific person. These circumstances explain the wide distribution of signatures, which entirely or for the most part consist of letterless strokes. To clarify the nature of the graphic material contained in letterless signatures, it is essential to know the ways of its formation. First, most often letterless signatures are applied by simplifying letter signatures. The signature, first produced in letterform, is gradually simplified in the process of its frequent application, and the strokes lose its original appearance. The combinations of strokes, although they are random on the outside, however, according to the artist’s intention, correspond to certain letters and its combinations and can be interpreted by it. The second way to form letterless signatures is to deliberately complicate or simplify letters in the process of developing signatures, which leads to the impossibility of reading what is written. Additional ornate strokes are added to the letters, the letters are applied upside down, sometimes elements of different letters merge, forming monograms. This is usually done to make it more difficult to forge a signature. Thirdly, a letterless signature can be made by drawing strokes, which, according to the artist’s intention, do not correspond to any strokes of the letters. A peculiar kind of this way of forming a signature is imitation of the signature of another person bearing a different surname. In the process of analyzing the literature and expert practice, the authors of this article established that the study of letterless signatures can and should be based on the same basic principles as the study of handwritten records and letter signatures. It should be noted that the study of letterless signatures has a number of features, in particular, one should take into account not the transcription of signatures, but the composition, shape and mutual arrangement of strokes, that is, the general construction of signatures. When examining such objects, an expert encounters a difficulty, expressed in the absence of that unit, those elements of the signature, in relation to which it is possible to study particular features. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account a number of points that the authors mentioned in this work. In addition, the authors of the article drew attention to the peculiarities of the preparation by the investigator and the court of materials for the examination by letterless signatures.

Key words: letterless signatures, handwriting, identification problems, imitation signatures.



S. Lutsenko, O. Vysikan, H. Kapustiuk, V. Draliuk

The article deals with the possibilities of digital radiography when conducting diagnostic studies of industrial ammunition and improvised explosive devices during forensic explosive examinations. It is indicated that when conducting diagnostic studies of industrial-made ammunition and improvised explosive devices, there is a possibility of an abnormal operation (explosion) of the ammunition (a high level of danger to the life and health of experts). Therefore, in order to solve diagnostic problems in forensic explosive technical examinations, modern research methods are used, one of which is the non-destructive method. It is indicated that of the available non-destructive methods, the methods of X-ray and gamma-ray transmission have the greatest clarity and objectivity. It can be concluded that the most widespread method for diagnostic studies of industrial ammunition and improvised explosive devices is the method of X-ray transmission from the listed capabilities and characteristics of these methods.
The X-ray examination is a non-destructive method of diagnosing research objects using digital radiography. There are listed main tasks of X-ray studies of explosive devices. Further, in the article are presented the possibilities and results of X-ray studies of industrial-made ammunition carried out by experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine using an X-ray television introscope Go-Scan, manufactured by Teledyne ICM (Belgium). From the results of the analysis of the capabilities of digital radiography during diagnostic studies of industrial-made ammunition and improvised explosive devices, it is concluded that digital radiography makes it possible to determine the internal design of explosive devices without dismantling its, its condition, a possible principle of activation, obtain objective quantitative data, document the obtained in the course of research data, and the addition of additional channels of information makes it possible to significantly expand the amount of information received, to make it more visual, accessible for comparative research, to obtain parametric indicators, which, in turn, improves the quality of diagnostic studies of explosive devices. In addition, a serious advantage of the X-ray method is the ability to conduct research at the location of ammunition and improvised explosive devices or in laboratory conditions without dismantling its, which allows to preserve the research object for its further or re-examination, as well as providing it in the future in the courtroom as physical evidence.

Keywords: explosives examination, X-ray examination, non-destructive method, industrial ammunition, improvised explosive devices



O. Kolomiitsev, V. Nikitiuk, O. Herman, V. Sapielkin, I. Serbinenko

The article presents data based on the results of experimental studies on the external ballistics parameters and the nature of changes in the trajectory of the kinetic energy of four types of pistol cartridges bullets 9 × 21 IMI (9 × 21 mm.), which were shot from two samples of carbines with different lengths of the rifled part of the barrel.
Of particular interest are data on the nature of the shell interaction and expansive bullets of cartridges of the indicated caliber with the tissues of a biological object, the imitation of the interaction with which was carried out using ballistic testing backing material (ballistic clay). The use of a simulator of biological tissues of the human body made it possible to determine the features of the shock-contact interaction of shell and expansive bullets with them, as well as to establish the nature of the behavior of these bullets in the thickness of a viscoelastic medium. It was experimentally found that under certain conditions, 9 mm jacketed bullets are capable of inflicting through wounds to the human body at firing distances up to 25 m inclusive, while the bullet, after breaking through the barrier, has energy characteristics that are sufficient to inflict a penetrating injury of varying severity on another biological object. Due to the use of ballistic clay, it became possible to visualize the maximum amount of damage caused by shell and expansive bullets, as well as to determine the features of the formation of exit wounds, taking into account the destabilization of shell bullets in the thickness of the obstacle.
It should be noted that at firing distances up to 5 m inclusive, shell bullets, due to the loss of gyroscopic stability in the tissues of a biological object, which have a sufficiently large thickness, are capable of inflicting wounds, the volume and severity of which are comparable to or exceed the corresponding parameters of wounds caused by expansive bullets.
The obtained results of measurements of the velocity of the of shell bullets after overcoming an obstacle in the form of a viscoelastic medium can later become the basis for calculating the contact speed of a bullet with a known length of the channel of the inflicted wound. The article for the first time presents the calculated data on the parameters of the flight path of shell and expansive bullets of pistol cartridges 9 × 21 IMI (9 × 21 mm.) at firing distances up to 100 m. The presented results of experimental studies and calculated data will allow experts in the field of forensic ballistics and forensic medicine to solve the tasks set by the pre-trial investigation authorities.

Key words: ballistic clay, biological object, elements of the trajectory of a bullet flight, carbine, pistol cartridge, wound, wound channel, damaging properties, damage



I. Samoilenko, V. Koloniuk

The article considers the issues of preparing materials for sending it to carry out diagnostic and situational expert research of weapons, cartridges and traces of its use, the work of an investigator or a person acting as an investigator during an inspection of the crime scene. It is also pointed how to identify, correctly document and seize objects and materials for referrals for expert research, identification, preliminary inspection and assessment of objects and materials found during the inspection of the crime scene, its documentation and seizure.
The correct examination and assessment of weapons and cartridges makes it possible to obtain information about preliminary data on the type, kind, model of weapons and cartridges, taking into account the design of objects by external similarities with known types and models of weapons, samples of cartridges. It is also makes possible to identify the external state of weapons and cartridges, the presence or absence of individual parts and mechanisms of the weapon; loaded, equipped with a weapon; destruction of parts of weapons, elements of cartridges; deformation of weapons and cartridges; presence of corrosion, pollution, etc. The presence of outside traces on weapons and cartridges that are significant for further investigation – this may be contamination, including blood stains, layers, etc., which will be taken into account when conducting diagnostic and situational expert research.
There are described general methods and rules of preparation and packing of the objects revealed at inspection of a crime scene.

Key words: diagnostic examination, situational examination, weapons, cartridges, preliminary inspection and evaluation of objects and materials, packaging of objects.



O. Sych, A. Korniienko, N. Yevtushenko

The main types of petroleum components that are used in the manufacture of mixed motor gasolines are considered. For the manufacture of mixed motor gasolines, a low-octane base is used, to which high-octane components are added. In many cases, reformate (catalytic reforming gasoline) and isopentane (isopentane fraction) are used as high-octane components of mixed motor gasolines. Straight-run gasoline and stable gasoline are often used as the low-octane gasoline base of blended automobile gasolines.
Reformate is a liquid mixture of aromatic and saturated hydrocarbons used as a high-octane component of automobile (aviation) gasolines and raw materials in the production of aromatic hydrocarbons (arenas). The reformate is obtained by catalytic reforming of straight-run gasoline fractions.
Isopentane (2-methylbutane (CH3)2CHCH2CH3) is a colorless, flammable liquid. The technical product is a mixture of isomeric pentanes and boils within 24 – 34°C. The isopentane fraction can be isolated from gas gasoline, from gasoline direct distillation of oil and gasoline catalytic cracking.
Straight-run gasoline (nefras) is obtained from the processing of crude oil or gas condensate, oil shale or coal, natural gas or oil and gas. Straight run gasoline contains light gasoline fractions of direct distillation of oil with a boiling range of 35 – 180°C.
Gas gasoline (gas stable gasoline) is obtained from natural and petroleum gases containing vapors of gasoline hydrocarbons. To separate them, the gases are compressed and cooled (compression method) or absorbed with oil or activated carbon. Gas gasoline is similar in chemical composition to straight-run gasoline, but contains lighter hydrocarbon fractions.
The article discusses the results of a study of the listed petroleum components of mixed gasoline by gas-liquid chromatography. This method allows you to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of mixed motor gasolines and their components.
It is shown that from readily available petroleum components (isopentane fraction, aromatic hydrocarbons and gas stable gasoline) without the use of sophisticated technological equipment, a gasoline mixture with high detonation resistance, which is falsified automobile gasoline, can be obtained by mixing method.
When mixed in certain proportions of reformate, isopentane fraction and gas stable gasoline, it is possible to obtain marketable gasoline that will meet the requirements of regulatory documents for gasoline.
The considered technology allows, when mixing commodity gasolines A-92 (A-95) with reformate, isopentane fraction and gasoline gas stable in the calculated proportions, to improve the operational characteristics (detonation resistance) of the obtained gasoline mixture or to increase the volume of the obtained gasoline mixture without improving its performance.



K. Pedko

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the current state of examination of personality identification based on appearance. The question of changing the object of research in the specified examination was raised. It has been established that with the development of digital technologies, multi-angle facial images began to prevail as an object of research, and studies of video recordings are widespread.
The different position of the head in the studied images led to the impossibility of using a significant number of comparative research methods: alignment along the medial line, alignment along a broken line, image editing, applications, “masks”, overlaying translucent images, comparison of relative values, overlay of coordinate grids, construction of geometric shapes. The transformation of research objects necessitates a change in the methods of comparative research.
It is indicated that with the proliferation of video images, the identification capabilities of the examination have increased: an expert can examine images of an identifiable person on the entire video sequence. A common disadvantage of video recordings is image quality. For research, video recordings from external video surveillance cameras are often received, but the purpose of installing such cameras is to fix the environment, and not the faces of people. This explains the poor image quality.
A frequent problem in carrying out examinations for the identification of a person by signs of appearance is the “recognition effect”. At the first glance at the image, one may get the impression that it is suitable for identification in the framework of portrait examination. However, this impression is most often mistaken. Often people have a sense of the obviousness of the image of a particular person in the frame if they have experience of interaction with this person. In addition, upon a detailed study of the image, an expert may conclude that it is unusable. The captured signs of appearance do not always constitute the necessary complex for the possibility of conducting research.
The current state of examination in identifying a person based on appearance suggests the need to develop comparison methods that could take into account the difference in the angles of the people under study. These methods include a graphical identification algorithm, a method of dimensional ratios of individual elements of appearance, and mathematical research methods. Further development in these areas is promising for expanding the possibilities of carrying out facial identification.

Key words: personality identification based on appearance, facial identification, general and particular features.



S. Tomyn, O. Lyshak

The article examines the role of forensic traceological examination in establishing the circumstances conducive to the commission of criminal offenses. The authors substantiate the thesis that, among other diagnostic tasks that are solved by the forensic and traceological examination of locks, it is important to resolve the issue of a malfunction of the lock mechanism and its causes, as well as the suitability of the lock for use by appointment. The study of locks of various designs by experts allows to determine the following main disadvantages that make it impossible to use it for its intended purpose: constructive primitiveness of the locking mechanism; production of a large number of locks with the same secrets, that is, virtually no secrets; unreasonable dimensional characteristics of some interacting parts; lack of proper padlocks.
Deviations from the requirements of state standards and technical conditions by manufacturing enterprises for which the production of locks is not profiling lead to a significant decrease in the security properties of products.
Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that in all cases when the expert establishes that the design of the lock is unsuccessful. Alternatively, the details that form the secret of the locking mechanism do not provide a secret, in the order of the expert initiative, in his/her conclusion must: first, reflect this circumstance. Secondly, to explain what the secret of a particular design is, as well as what exactly in this lock, if it were made with high quality, would make it difficult to unlock with a foreign body, and what specific reasons make it easier to open it with foreign objects. Third, to propose ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings.
To other circumstances of a criminogenic nature that can be detected by trace evidence experts, the authors also include the inadequacy of premises for storing money, shortcomings in the packaging of material values that facilitate theft, imperfection of the seals used for sealing containers, improper hanging of a seal, etc.

Key words: forensic traceological examination, examination of locking and safety (control) devices (means), lock, seal, circumstance of a criminal nature, expert prevention, expert initiative.



V. Baraniak

In expert practice, questions often arise related to the separation of research objects from a mixture of dissimilar particles of solid materials, liquids of different densities, emulsions, and two-phase media. During the study, physical and chemical separation methods are used.
The choice of the separation method depends on the percentage composition and properties of the mixture and its constituent components. Expert research is carried out using various separation methods: by mass (inertial), by size, electrical, magnetic, radiometric, photometric, etc. Chemical separation is its separate type.
The analysis of expert practice indicates that separation is mainly applied during the forensic investigation of metals and alloys (solids), drugs (solids, liquid substances) and petroleum products (liquid substances).
The article analyzes the methods of separation at the preparatory stage of the expert study of micro-particles of precious metals and handicraft drugs.
Forensic investigation of products made of metals and alloys is one of the most difficult, since the detection and separation of micro-particles of the metal under study from other metal particles and their subsequent identification require the use of both chemical and instrumental research methods.
The separation of the metal under study from the mixture of other metal particles was carried out by the method of mechanical and magnetic separation and chemical (selective dissolution) separation.
In the course of the expert study opium acetylated using chromatographic methods difficulties often arise associated with separation of components due to the presence of large amounts of acetylated opium extractable from poppy straw ballast substances (in particular chlorophyll).
The use of an inertial separation method makes it possible to speed up the separation of an aqueous solution of a narcotic drug emulsion and an extracting organic solvent.

Key words: methods of separation, inertial separation, mechanical separation, magnetic separation, chemical separation, forensic examination of narcotic drugs, forensic examination of metals.