О. Shmereho

The article provides information related to expanding the field of experts’ knowledge who are used in conducting forensic fire-technical examinations and expert research. In this regard, the staff of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine carried out scientific work on the topic: “Development of a methodology for the theoretical and practical foundations of forensic fire-technical examinations”. The specified Methodology should cover a wider range of issues.

Key words: forensic examinations, expert research, special knowledge, firetechnical examination.



H. Yankovych

The article addresses issues relating to forensic and technical studies of newgeneration identity documents and other documents equipped with high-tech anticounterfeiting protection.

In order to solve the expert problems in the forensic and technical examination of the new generation of documents, identity of the new generation, and other documents with elements of high-tech protection, it is necessary to adapt modern technical means to specific tasks. The challenge is to familiarize ourselves with the technology of the next generation of identity documents and other documents with high-tech protection elements and the introduction of appropriate additions into existing methods.

Analysis of the main types of protection of printed products, namely new generation documents, identity documents, securities and other documents equipped with high-tech elements of protection against counterfeiting, shows that there are many different methods of protection. The most common among this is the attraction of appropriate printing technologies using mathematical methods, in particular, the creation of guilloche drawings with the formation of a graphic database and the development of software for computer synthesis of guilloche compositions and protective nets.

The use of new elements of document protection requires the development of a new set of methods for their research and the proper modernization of existing methods. Expert research of documents includes a set of modern special equipment together with professional competence of expert and relevant information. The current level of high-tech development allows the creation of new means of protection of identity documents, such as passport and visa documents, plastic ID cards and other documents.

The need to develop and implement new remedies for this category of documents is primarily due to the need to monitor interstate movement and take into account persons wanted or engaged in criminal activities.

The article outlined in this article could serve as a basis for the creation and improvement of the methodology for the study of new-generation documents in order to improve the effectiveness of forensic research of documents.

Key words: The latest technologies, modern methods of examination of identity documents, elements of high-tech document protection, new research methods, electronic database of the new generation documents collections.


V. Bandurko


V. Bandurko

The article is devoted to the consideration of working situations that may arise with comparative samples of signatures provided for research during the relevant examinations. Possible changes in regulatory legal acts that will optimize the work of an expert during judicial handwriting examinations are highlighted.

The main goal of this article is to consider the practical situations that an expert has when studying and working with comparative samples received for research. An analysis of expert practice will help minimize expert errors, which in turn will affect the objectivity of an expert’s opinion.

The article sets out the situations that arise at the stage of studying materials that can affect the objectivity and categorization of an expert’s opinion: -providing free samples of signatures in documents issued to another person; -providing free samples of signatures in documents with amendments, supplements, incorrect indication of the name, and signature of the current user of the subscriber book or the owner of the document (passport). The situations discussed will help interns, novice experts in the study of materials received for research. It should be noted that a superficial approach at the stage of their research might lead to the need for additional examinations.

The article can be useful to judges, assistant judges, representatives of law enforcement agencies, lawyers when assigning a handwriting examination and can help to reduce the time for the examination.

Key words: signature, samples, comparative, handwriting.



Bilenchuk, V. Maslіuk, N. Svatіuk, О. Pop, O. Symkanych

In this paper are studied the possibility of using nuclear techniques, in particular, low-background measurements of the radionuclide content of natural (isotopes of natural series U / Th, 40K) and man-made origin for the identification of natural objects as non-nuclear materials. In particular, this can be the samples of soil, river sludge or rock, presented as evidential objects for court expertise.

The proposed technique explores new data on the nature of the nucleosynthesis of the Earth’s crust, the distribution and conditions of radioactive equilibrium of the daughter’s isotopes of the U / Th series. Recent studies show the ability to use lowbackground research data to establish standards for the content / ratio of the clarks of chemical elements U / Th / K, which may be sufficient identification signs of a given territory like fingerprints for a person.

This is especially relating to such objects of the environment as samples of soils, rocks, etc. that are genetically related to a given territory. Considering these environmental objects as a subject of court examination, we can talk about their important role as an evidence-based argument, which in many cases allows us to identify the origin of the “criminal element”. Therefore, the methods of identification of environmental objects and their binding to a certain territory are very important.

The paper presents the first examples of such studies on samples of soil, river sludge and rock, taken from protected areas of Transcarpathia, the influence of manmade factors on which is minimal. It justifies the choice of the minimum number of radionuclide tags of a given territory, the method of sampling to obtain the radiation characteristics of a given area, and the statistical stability of the obtained data on the content of the studied radionuclides for different series of obtained samples is investigated. Systematic studies of this kind make it possible to carry out radiation mapping of territories as the development of the ideas of Vernadsky about the importance of taking into account ground-based radiation and to get a more accurate binding of the objects under study to a specific region.

The possibility of using the nuclear dating technique in forensic analysis according to low-background measurements about the content of natural U / Th series in environmental objects is shown. The results of nuclear dating of samples of the Carpathian rocks using the uranium method are presented.

Summing up, it can be said that nuclear techniques can be used not only to analyze radioactive materials, but also to complement effectively traditional physicochemical studies of the non-nuclear materials as forensic objects.

Keywords: forensics, natural objects, nuclear attributes, nuclear low-tech techniques, dating, identification, spatial localization.



V. Aksonov, V. Kozhevnikov

This article discusses the possibilities of using the “Trifolin” powder as a magnetic powder for fingerprint research. The aim of the study is to establish the presence of the qualities of this powder, which is put forward by the Methodology of fingerprint research for magnetic fingerprint powders. This is necessary for their further use as a powder method for identifying sweat traces of papillary patterns as one of the physical methods for identifying hand traces.

The main qualities are the presence of the magnetic and adhesive properties of the powder for its high-quality adhesion both to the magnetic brush and to the trace substance of the trace. Solving the issues of searching for new and affordable means of detecting trace information during expert research and during inspections of crime scenes is one of the important issues in modern conditions, which requires additional research.

A separate issue of this work is the establishment of the possibility of further study of sweating or blood traces of the hands for immunological or molecular genetic studies. To obtain positive research results, several general, general scientific and special research methods were used. According to the findings of the work, it was found that the magnetic powder “Trifolin” in its magnetic and adhesive properties fully meets the requirements of the methodology of fingerprint research, presented to dark magnetic fingerprint powders.

Fingerprint research techniques presented to dark magnetic fingerprint powders. This allows, first, to qualitatively identify traces of fingerprints of various origins and which are left on different surfaces. A feature of the powder under study is the absence of a destructive effect on the biological component of traces of sweat and handprints contaminated with blood. The use of “Trifolin” powder for fingerprint research and the ability to successfully conduct biological (immunological and molecular genetic) research on the processed traces undoubtedly makes up the scientific novelty of the research and is the basis for further scientific research.

Key words: handprints, trifolin, magnetic powder, identification, papillary lines, papillary pattern, surfaces, complex examinations, molecular genetic research.



P. Giverts

The development of a new technology of material processing known as 3D printing in 2013 lead to posting on the Internet blueprints of the first pistol made with the use this technology. The pistol got the name Liberator. Within the first two days after the post, the blueprints of this pistol were downloaded more than a hundred thousand times. The difference of this construction from other constructions is that all the parts, except the firing pin, are printed on the 3D printer. For manufacturing this type of pistols special equipment (which has become easily available lately) is needed, as well as the knowledge and skill to operate it. At the same time, no special knowledge about the development and manufacturing of firearms is necessary. Availability of ready blueprints (the programs for printing the elements in 3D printer) without the need to do manual or machine treatment, lead to the wide spread of this type of homemade firearms. The law enforcements of many countries have already got cases of illegal trafficking of homemade firearms made with the use of 3D printing technology.

The article discusses the construction features of Liberator pistol, as well as the peculiarities of its forensic examination. Special attention is paid to the problem of reliability and durability of this type of pistols. The possibility of damage or destruction of the pistol construction during a shot was investigated. The influence of different parameters, such as the size of the pistol, the material of its elements, the caliber of the cartridge on the possible destruction of the pistol, was also discussed. The damages in the pistols, made of different polymers, were illustrated in this article by the results of investigations taken from a few foreign professional sources. The problem of establishing the fact of a shot, which had been made from pistol printed in 3D printer, before the evidence came for forensic examination, was discussed. The article deals with the problem of the influence of this shot on the possibility of determination of the constriction durability and with the question if the evidence meets the criteria of firearms. Possible defects in the examined evidences, which should be checked be the examiners before the experimental shot, were pointed out.

Key words: ballistic examination, homemade firearms, 3D printing, Liberator, polymer pistols.



Yu. Sitovskyi, R. Slesar, A. Melnyk, I. Samoilenko, Yu. Maznichenko

The article describes the methodological aspects of the expert investigation of traces of trasological origin in the part of the peculiarities of solving identified problems during the direct investigation of traceable and trace-forming objects. The advantages of the investigation of the volume copies of the bottom of shoes in the laboratory conditions that are made by using a reusable substance “MikroTrack ™” are described.

The aim of the article was to show how the high quality comparative material allows an expert to get the additional forensic information, to get the data about the conditions of formation of traces at the crime scene, obtain the information about the features that the shoes had left. Experimental copies that are made of the tested shoes have many advantages comparing them with the shoes themselves. When investigating a trace-forming object (shoes) that is in the same position and condition, it is difficult to see all the features (detect the sustainable complex of individual features) that it can leave on the trace-forming surface.

The article in details describes the advantages of obtaining samples for the comparative study on reusable substances in the laboratory conditions over other surfaces (sand and soil). The practical usage of the reusable substances allows using the sustainable complex of individual features in the comparative study effectively.

Key words: trace and trace object, complex of individual features, experimental copy, reusable substance, morphological features of the bottom of the shoe.



O. Yakovlev, B. Lukianchykov, O. Svirin, O. Mykytenko

After the Revolution of dignity and the reform of the National Police, the number of criminal offenses committed in our country unfortunately remains at a high level. This is confirmed by the statistics provided on the website of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Therefore, the total number of all registered criminal offenses in Ukraine amounted to 565 182 in 2015, 592 604 in 2016, 523 911 in 2017, 483 133 in 2018, 444 130 in 2019.

At present, one of the priority areas of the law enforcement bodies of our state is the investigation of criminal offenses against participants in the Revolution of Dignity, as well as crimes committed in the areas of environmental protection, which is emphasized by the country’s leadership and the directed expectations of ordinary citizens.

During the commission of grave and especially grave criminal offenses, law enforcement officers confiscate a variety of material evidence, among which quite often there are used cartridges, bullets, remnants of explosive devices, burned cars, etc. heating (for example, sleeves after a shot). That is why, more and more often, there is a need for constant updating of modern forensic technology and methods for its use and the introduction of the positive experience of law enforcement agencies of foreign countries in the investigation of crimes and subsequent work with material evidence in the framework of forensic examinations.

The seizure of such material evidence as fingerprints or biological fluids of the offender’s personality are the most significant evidence in court, subject to the positive conclusions of the examinations carried out on these traces, which will allow to identify the person and prove his involvement in the commission of a criminal offense.

The use of forensic technology in the detection and investigation of hidden fingerprints and biological fluids in the investigation of crimes is the subject of the work of such domestic and foreign scientists as V. P. Bakhin, R. S. Belkin, P. D. Bilenchuk, M. S. Bokarius, V. G. Goncharenko, I. V. Mountains, A.V. Ishchenko, E. P. Ishchenko, V. A. Kolesnyk, V. K. Lysychenko, M. M. Lysova, E. D. Lukianchykov, A. V. Oderii, O. A. Parfylo, M. A. Pohoretskyi, M. V. Saltevskyi, T. A. Sedovoi, V. S. Kuzmicheva, M. Ya. Sehai, V. V. Tyshchenko, V. Yu. Shepitko, N. E. Shumylo, M. G. Shcherbakovskyi and other scientists.

Key words: forensic technology, forensic technology, foreign experience, scene inspection, fingerprints, biological traces, expert light, luminescence, light filters.



V. Bolshakov, Yu. Maznichenko, Yu. Holub, M. Molyboha, I. Samoilenko

The systematic analysis of the world experience of civilian use of knives not as cold weapons showed that at present the knife did not become the main attribute of equipping tourists, fish men and even hunters. In particular, today there are very few types of hunting, during which the knife is used to finish off the beast or to protect against it.

At the same time, as the practice of hunting management proves, during hunting there are many uses for the knife, even without considering it as a means for cooking. This, in particular, sharpening various stakes (for a tent, a hut, a campfire), skinning a game, preparing chips for a fire, scraping ice from skis or marsh mud from shoes.

To do this, in accordance with current state technical standards, any folding knife must have a lock, and the blades of all knives must be of sufficient thickness so as not to break from the load. Handles of hunting knives should be comfortable to hold so that your hand will not get tired during long-term work. For all knives, according to the technical requirements, the length and thickness of the blade must be consistent, as well as the angle of inclination of the tip relative to the axis of the blade.

With regard to the above, an interesting example is the collection of knives by the Swedish company Eriksson, consisting of four models, made in the configuration of the Swedish finca. The knives have a handle and a blade of a classic Finnish knife, but with a one-sided stopper. Their blades, depending on the color of the handle, are made of different types of steel. Knives with blue plastic handles have stainless steel blades, and knives with red handles are made of carbon steel.

It is believed that in Sweden almost every construction worker walks with such a knife in his pocket. It should be noted that according to the current method of forensic investigation of cold weapons and structurally similar products in it, these knives can be attributed to cold weapons by the size of the blade.

It is also interesting an urban-type knife, which is not a cold weapon of the Worden Tactical Medium Company. Renowned wizard Kelly Warden, an instructor for American Rangers, designs this knife. Since 2001, Kelly Warden has been the main consultant on impact and blade weapons of Detachment 1 of the US Special Forces. He trains Special Forces hand-to-hand combat with the use of a knife, machete, baton, sticks, as well as the method of forceful detention. The blade length of the knife described is 74 mm, thickness – 3.8 mm; the handle has a sub-finger protrusion to prevent the arm from slipping on the blade. The knife does not have a standard stopper, which, in addition to protecting it from slipping the hand on the blade, must prevent the hand from sinking into the victim’s body. By all measures, this knife is not a cold weapon in accordance with the requirements of the criminal law of Ukraine.

Kelly Warden believes that the knife as a means of self-defense levels the difference in weight, height and physical strength, but its main drawback is its damaging ability. The proposed article is devoted to this circumstance, the definition of the role of the restrictor in classifying a knife as a cold weapon.

Key words: limiter, short-bladed edged weapon.



I. Krasiuk, Ya. Sukhomlyn, I. Tarasiuk, M. Molyboha

The article analyzes traditional and modern methods and means of technical forgery. The methods and modern devices by which the issue of technical forgery of the signature are solved are covered. Particular attention is given to modern methods and means, namely: electrophotographic method, inkjet-drop method, the transfer of the original signature dye of the document by wet copying, the drawing of the signature using a plotter. Features that characterize the appropriate method and means of signature forgery are described.

The problems of research of this kind of signatures are reflected and attention is paid to the fact that cases of technical falsification of records have become more frequent. Given this fact, it has emphasized the need for an improved methodology for investigation of signatures and short entries, made using the means of techniques and tools, which will outline a clear algorithm for solving this issue.

The research of signatures on the subject of technical training is mandatory for identification handwriting research, and therefore requires special attention. In expert practice, there are various cases of technical falsification of signatures made by modern methods and means. In this connection, the expert needs continuous training in this direction in order to “keep up” with the development of computerized devices.

Key words: signature research, signature forgery, means of techniques, electrophotographic method, inkjet-drop method, embossing, redrawing, copying, plotter, pantograph, facsimile.