A. Kuzyshyn; О. Dzhus

The unevenness of the rail threads are the source of the forced vibrations of the superstructure of the rolling stock, which ultimately lead to the emergence of dynamic loads on its elements and the railway track. If the dynamic load is less than static, then the element under test is unloaded, and if more there is the overload of this element. When moving the crew through smooth synchronous roughness, the dominant effect on the discharge of the wheel is by bouncing and galloping.

When moving along smooth nonsynchronous unevenness, lateral swinging in conjunction with the lateral removal of the body.

In addition, the system of differential equations is used to determine these dynamic loads. This system describes the movement of the super-bearing structure of the rolling stock on the oblique setting under the action of the forces applied to it.

Establishing the influence of the height of the inclination in accordance with the conditions of rolling the wheel on the head of the rail allows you to approach the solution of the general task of the forensic railroad transport expertise.

However, as has been said before, the fulfillment of the necessary rolling conditions does not necessarily result in the derailment of the rolling stock, since the wheel pair can start to move in the opposite direction without slipping onto the surface of the rolling of the rail. Therefore, it is necessary to check the fulfillment of the sufficient condition for rolling the wheel rim of the wheel pair onto the rail head.

With the use of the necessary and sufficient condition for rolling the wheel on the rail head, it is possible to set ranges of speeds at which the rolling stock from the rails may occur if there is a distortion of the rail threads of a certain value. It is also possible to obtain the value of the speed of the train, at which the most is the unloading of the wheel of the car in the curve section of the path with the existing bias.

The obtained dependencies can be used to establish a safe interval of speeds of trains on sections of the road with distortions of a certain magnitude and in conducting forensic railwaytransport expertise.


A. Batih A.; Kuzyshyn


The interaction of the track and the rolling stock is one of the most important problems of Ukraineʼs railway transport.

The tasks to be performed when investigating the interaction of the track and the rolling stock contribute, first of all, to the solution of such an important issue as determining the conditions for the safe movement of trains.

In connection with the introduction of modern rolling stock in Ukraine, the speed of passenger trains on the Ukrainian railways has steadily increased. At the same time, scientific research on the stability of rolling stock in direct and curved sections of the road acquires great importance.

Based on this, for the first time, the work of domestic and foreign scientists was systematized on the issue of safety assessment from the derailment of the wheel from the rail, taking into account the tasks that arise during the conduct of the forensic railway transport expertise.

The systematization of the work of domestic and foreign scientists in assessing the stability of rolling stock will allow us to more accurately assess the importance of all methods and approaches, identify their shortcomings and advantages, and make recommendations for improving the method for assessing the stability of rail vehicles on Ukrainian railways. The correct definition of the safety assessment from the derailment of the wheel from the rail will solve one of the most important problems in railway transport, namely, ensuring the safety of the movement of rail vehicles, both at the design stage and during their operation.

Therefore, summing up the foregoing, the solution of the problem of the wheel pair retreat by rolling the wheel onto the rail head should be carried out using the equations of dynamics. This is due to the fact that the main causes of accidents and gatherings are, first of all, deviations in the condition of the track and running parts of the rolling stock from the norms of their maintenance. Also, on the other hand, there are circumstances related to the deficiencies in the design of the running parts of the crews, which do not directly cause a derailment, but are the causes of the development of dynamic processes that lead to increased force of the rolling stock on the way and, finally, cause its derailment.


A. Batih


The article analyzes the main factors affecting the destruction of the side frames of freight wagonsʼ trucks.

It is noted in the paper that the side frame of the freight car carriage is a complex and important cast piece, the safety of movement depends on reliable operation of it.

In the opinion of the author, in examining the technical condition of the side frames of the wagonsʼ trucks, one should take into account the influence of the operation, maintenance and repair system, namely: overloads, wagons outside the main roads on factory roads, which are not officially reported, violation of rules for the formation and disbanding of freight compositions with the use of slides (exceeding the speed of the collision), emergency braking, unreasonable replacement of the units and parts of the trucks with old ones, with less final resource, counterfeit, violation of rules of inspection and certification etc. The use of spares and parts in the wagonʼs truck construction with deviation (spring set, friction wedge) contributes to strengthening the complex effect of negative factors on the propagation speed of the crack in the side frame of the freight wagon.

It also is necessary to take into account the development of cracks in the side frame of the wagonʼs truck the speed of its movement, congestion, as well as the technical condition of the railway track. This is due to the fact that with greater loading and high speed of movement, greater dynamic forces can act than on the side frame with faulty friction vibration dampers at low speeds and incomplete loading of the wagon.

Due to the lack of appropriate techniques it is difficult to assess the degree of influence of these faults on the rate of crack development.

For more precise determination of the causes of the fracture of the sidewall during the conduct of judicial railway and transport expertise it is suggested to perform its strength calculations, build a mathematical model of the car in order to more accurately assess the influence of deviations in the design of the wagon and the railway track.


O. Kovalchuk


Having analyzed the existing definitions of the objects of examination, we can conclude that the objects of the railway-transport expertise are materialized sources and media of information about the circumstances of the event, acting as evidence in the case when the expertʼs conclusion is being fulfilled. This means that in the forensic railway-transport expertise, the facilities are the sources and bearers of various and diverse information contained in the materials of the pre-trial investigation.

The author notes that often in the formation of these materials, a significant part of the information containing the data necessary to solve the questions posed to the expert is not included. This is due to the specifics of the collection of the necessary information based on the knowledge of the regulatory documentation that operates on the railway transport.

In this article, a list of the necessary objects of the forensic railway-transport expertise for the investigation of cases of thefts of materials of the upper structure of the track is considered; traumatizing people by rolling stock, its collision with other vehicles when the members of the locomotive crew train and shunting work.

Since, as the practice of the forensic railway-transport expertise has shown, among the total number of thefts of materials on the upper structure of the track, abductions of the elements of intermediate and butt fasteners occur most often, in this article the author indicates the list of technical parameters of the path necessary for the investigation of these cases.

The author also provided a clear list of the normative documents necessary to determine the actual actions of the members of the locomotive crew and those who suffered during the forensic railway-transport expertise in cases of traumatizing people by rolling stock, its collision with other vehicles when the members of the locomotive crew train and shunting.


O. Dzhus


The article presents an approach to research by experts on the correctness of the formation of travel in the event of a railway accident. For example, in the absence of signs indicative of a malfunction of the wagons at the time of the formation of the train (the wagons underwent scheduled repairs, maintenance and prohibition of their release into operation by the employees of the carload economy), there is no need to investigate the discrepancy between the actions of the transportation workers in this case. A clear list of normative documents is also described, which the employees of the wagonsʼ depot when they determine the technical condition of the wagons.

The article deals with regulatory documents regulating the process of train formation. The regulatory documents are set that regulate the setting of wagons when they are formed into trains. In this paper are also specified the terms of obligations for the employees who are carrying out transportation and of the wagonsʼ depot during the formation of the train. All stations on which trains are formed have their own technical features when forming trains. These features are based on objective information al-ready existing about each of the railway directions.

It was paid attention to the fact that employees who are carrying out transportation monitor the serviceability of the wagons only on the documents given to them by employees of the wagonsʼ depot.

Consequently, in the case of railway accidents, which occurred because of the technical malfunction of wagons, it is necessary to investigate the actions of workers in the wagon depot, and who are carrying out transportation.

When faulty wagons arrive in trains is increasing in the dynamic impact of their wheel sets on the rails.

An incorrectly formed train can lead to an increase in longitudinal quasi-static or dynamic forces, which in turn can lead to the displacement of wagons from the train and, as a consequence, to their derailment.

To prevent the derailment of wagons, the actions of railway workers should be aimed at ensuring the formation of trains from wagons in working order.


O. Shmereho


The variety of methods of intervention in the metering devices is increasing in connection with their improvement. It requires the appropriate development of information and material resources, as well as the actualization of the methodology for conducting electrical expertise of various types of devices for the purpose of revealing the facts of extraneous interference in their work that allows for extra-account consumption electricity.

According to the material of the article, it can be concluded that the expansion of the means used to interfere with the metering devices grows in parallel with their improvement. It indicates the need to improve the information and material base, as well as the actualization of the relevant methodology for conducting electrical expertise of various types and designs of the metering devices for the purpose of revealing the facts of interference in their work from the outside.


K. Liubarskyi; P. Borshchevskyi


The article deals with the possibility of a vehicle speed assessment at a pedestrian hitting with the use of various approaches — forensic, energy, classical methods of auto-technical examination, etc.

The generalization of the modern experience of estimating the speed of a vehicle when a pedestrian is hit gives an opportunity to develop a general approach to this issue as well as to develop appropriate methodological recommendations.

The developed methodical recommendations determine the general provisions, principles and methods on the basis of which it is recommended to carry out the determination of the speed of the car when the pedestrian hits. The use of these methodological recommendations ensures the conduct of an auto-technical examination on a single methodological basis, as well as the reliability, accuracy of evidence and the objectivity of its results.

The developed methodological approaches will contain general principles for estimating the speed of a vehicle when a pedestrian is hit.


V. Bondar


Pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal offenses committed with the use of firearms, requires solving a wide range of interrelated tasks within the framework of the use of expert technologies. One of them is the identification of firearms in the footsteps of shooting cartridges and bullets, which is carried out during forensic examinations. For this purposes are used automated ballistic identification systems.

The actual problem of automatic weapon identification is the development of effective algorithms for conducting checks on arrays that contain tens of thousands of digital images of the same type of traces of strikers.

There is a need in ABIS to process binary images. In such systems, high accuracy and speed of implementation of algorithms are required with minimal memory costs. Traditional methods of morphological transformations become ineffective in this case. In automated identification systems, the most acceptable are the geometric features of objects:

1. the area and perimeter of the image of the object;

2. the dimensions of inscribed and described simple geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, triangles, etc.);

3. number and relative position of angles;

4. moments of inertia of images of objects.

The individual signs of firearms that are reflected in the marks of the striker can be described with the help of various descriptors — characteristics that are uniquely determined. Descriptors that do not depend on the orientation of the image: area, perimeter, moments of inertia. These descriptors form a state vector of signs. Cluster analysis allows, on the basis of a comparison of such vectors, to draw conclusions about the similarity of traces.

The further direction of improving the use of ABIS, which will contribute to a more effective search for objects, is the development of the ideology of a single classifier for balls and cartridges, as well as traces remaining on their surfaces with parts of weapons and building on this basis an automated search system for weapons. To ensure the possibility of the formation by different researchers of a unified database of the search system, it is necessary to unify the technique for measuring trace parameters in accordance with the specified single classifier. Further improvement of computer technology will allow applying more sophisticated mathematical methods for processing trace information and make a transition to work with threedimensional characteristics of tracks. It is these changes that should contribute to the creation of a fully automatic forensic-ballistic identification system capable of solving not only technical but also analytical tasks.


R. Yakymenko


The article is based on the generalization of expert practice on investigative testing of filling devices, for example, the study of anchor-type seals. The study is based on an example of research of “Karat” type seal. As examples, the list of signs and traces that are formed on the surfaces of seals of similar types, in the process of their opening. The descriptions and illustrations of the revealed traces are given, which remain on the seals of the anchor-type “Karat”. The article also describes an algorithm for conducting similar studies and an approach to a comprehensive evaluation of the traces themselves and justifies the need to determine the mechanism of their formation and identified. The article raises the problem of both a possible complex study of anchor-type anchoring devices and problems arising from the incorrectness of the questions posed to the expert, which can lead to unreasonable and incorrect conclusions.

According to the results of the analysis, recommendations were given regarding a comprehensive expert approach to assessing the characteristics that reflected in the traces which identified at the objects of the study.


І. Bilous


This article is dedicated to the actual nowadays problem — to the realization of modern safety requirements of documents that identify somebody in Ukraine. The author describes the technology of creating, elements of protection and personalization methods of the newest documents in Ukraine that identify somebody. Especially the author paid heed to the recommendations of International Civil Aviation Organization about putting into circulation the documents that identify somebody, which are assured with the identificationand biometric device. The material, shown in the article, will be interesting for the specialists in the sphere of technical document examination.

Putting Ukrainian documents into circulation, which prove identity with imperfect system of protection, caused the situation, which leads to the commitment of numerous delinquencies, connected with the usage of forged documents, and in some cases it is the basis of such crime commitments as terrorism and trade in.

In order to increase the efficiency of struggle against these commitments and fulfillment of visa liberalization program, given by European Union to Ukraine, there are some kinds of developed and put into circulation in Ukraine modern documents, which prove identity, produced with the usage of advanced manufacturing sciences with special protection level.

On high-level international summit the development of regulations and new standards in the sphere of proving identity document safety is entrusted to ICAO International Organization of Commercial Aviation.

By recommendations of ICAO the documents with higher level of protection are created in order to increase the social security against manifestation of crime and international terrorism. The documents are provided with non-contact integrated circuit, which contains non-contact data medium with biometric data of its owner (so called ʼbiometricʼ documents) are more widespread in the world and are put into circulation in many countries.

In Ukraine the production, putting into circulation and issue of documents, which prove identity with non-contact data medium, are regulated by the Law of Ukraine ʼAbout Single state demographic register and documents, which confirm the nationality of Ukraine, which prove the person or his/her special statusʼ.

During the making of documents of Ukraine, which prove identity, are applied the following technological tools: special materials of the printed form of document (material for cover, paper, plastic), the complex of high-quality printing technologies, special elements of printing protection (watermarks, coloured and fluorescent fibers, microprinting, protected holographic elements), special inks for elementsʼ putting, technologies of personalization of document etc.

Stated in this article material allows us to come to the conclusion that the applied technologies of producing and personalization of modern documents in Ukraine, which prove identity, supply the high level of data identification and protection, which exclude their usage by any person, except the owner. It makes impossible to forge them. Thus, according to the level of protection modern documents in Ukraine, which prove identity, satisfy the requirements of the ICAO standards and state standards of Ukraine.