Міжвідомчий Науково-методичний збірник
"Криміналістика і судова експертиза"
ISSN: 2786-7072 (Online); ISSN: 2786-7080 (Print)
PDF Верстка Криміналістика 2019 6.05. 111 125 Завантажень: 47, розмiр: 396.4 KB

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33994/kndise.2019.64.08

O. Kofanova; A. Kofanov

Experimental verification of the modern possibilities of introducing the technology of organization of individual work of students of the Educational and Scientific Institute (training of criminologists and experts).

The verification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the technology of organizing the individual work of students (the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment) is realized by comparing the results of the educational activities of the experimental and control groups of the students.

Key words: pedagogical technology, preparation of forensic experts, individual work, independent preparation.