A. Kuzyshyn

In the article the author notes that the horizontal forces arising in the process of pressing the wheel flanges to the working edge of the rail, under certain conditions can be very significant. These forces, in combination with the wheel unloading, caused by the geometric deviation of the track in the plan and profile, can lead to rolling the wheel of the wheelset onto the rail head and, as a consequence, to the stock derailment.

Such pressing of the wheel to the rail head in the straight part of the track can occur when faults in the running gears of the wagons: non-parallelism of the axles of the wheel pairs of the bogie frame by the difference in the bases of the side frames, wear of the guide axle-box openings; the difference of the flanges on one wheel pair is more than permissible, wear of the body and bogie bolster center plates, step bearing; a significant difference in the diameters of the wheels of the wheelset caused by the intense wear of the rolling surface of one of them, etc.

The article deals with the investigation of the influence of the wheels’ diameters difference of the wheelset on the amount of lateral force for the empty and loaded state of the rolling stock wagon.

The results obtained made it possible to conclude that an increase in the wheels’ diameters difference of the wheelset of a loaded wagon of rolling stock leads to more intensive growth of the lateral force, as compared with the exhaust. This is caused by the linear dependence of the lateral force on the mass of the wagon of the rolling stock.

However, for both the empty and the loaded wagon, the increase in the lateral force value has a negative effect. In conjunction with the unloading of the wheel it increases the probability of rolling in the wheel of the wheelset on the rail head. Also, an increase in the action of the lateral force from the wheelset on the rail, causes increased wear of the rail, the wheel flange, which is pressed. At the same time, rolling surfaces of an irregular shape are formed on the surface of the other wheel.

Therefore, it is important to ensure the maintenance of the wheels of a wheel pair with the smallest difference in its diameters.

Key words: rolling stock, diameter difference of wheels, quasi-dynamics method.



O. Dzhus

In the article was noted the importance of the study of the conditions for the carriage of goods by rail transport when executing the railway transport examination, and the main points of such studies are given. One of the causes of the onset of a railroad accident (hereinafter referred to as RTA) with damage to the rolling stock, infrastructure elements, loss of life and loss of cargo through damaged packaging, the integrity of the car body may be a mismatch of the cargo weight with established weight standards, unsatisfactory the technical condition of the rolling stock in which the cargo is transported, improper securing of the cargo in the car, disorder of attachment on the route or interference of unauthorized persons to the cargo itself (theft). As a part of the railway-transport expertise, experts investigate cases of derailment of railway rolling stock, spontaneous movement of cars from the parking lot, followed by their collision, and other cases. Upon the occurrence of an RTA, the compliance of the actions of the railway employees involved with the requirements of regulatory documents, the causal link and the immediate technical reason for its occurrence is investigated. Experts carrying out research within the examination regarded various possible discrepancies that could cause the occurrence of RTA. The inconsistency of the mass of the cargo with the established weight standards for transportation by rail is considered by experts, precisely as a possible discrepancy that could significantly affect the occurrence of the accident. This direction of research requires detailed consideration from the position of forensic expertise. The article discusses individual issues of this type of inconsistency. These points are considered in more detail in a research work devoted to a study of the main transport characteristics of the goods transported and their packages, with an assessment of the possibility of their influence on the causal relationship with the onset of the RTA as part of the railway transport expertise. Each type of faults (inconsistencies) identified during the carriage of goods by rail is investigated as part of the implementation of forensic railway transport examinations and requires the formation of detailed expert approaches. The presented work confirms the relevance of developing a methodology for assessing the impact of cargo transportation features on the onset of railway accidents.

Key words: commercial malfunctions, forensic railway-transport expertise, cargo, features of transportation, fasteners, weight standards.



A. Batih; O. Kovalchuk

The article noted that the speed of trains is one of the main quality indicators of the railway. It increases the throughput and carrying capacity of the railway.

But it must be remembered that one of the main obstacles today in increasing the speed of movement is the curved sections of the path. The speed in such areas is limited by the requirements of traffic safety and the necessary level of comfort for passengers.

Increasing the speed of trains leads to an increase in the forces of interaction between the track and the rolling stock and, accordingly, affects the probability of rolling stock derailment.

The limitation of the speed of movement in the curved sections of the path is trying to reduce the horizontal transverse forces that are transmitted from the wheel to the rail. For passenger wagons, it also allows reducing lateral accelerations, which tire passengers and worsen the ride comfort.

Restrictions in curved sections of the path are versatile, and they are unequal. Some of them allow relatively high speeds, other speed limits are significant. The permissible rolling stock speeds are set based on the outstanding horizontal acceleration, the growth rate of this acceleration, and the speed of raising (lowering) the wheel is normalized through the cant rail-speed tables.

There are several criteria for limiting the speed of rolling stock in curves.

In this article, the authors investigated the limitations of the speed of movement of rolling stock in a curved section of the track according to the coefficient of stability from racking or crawling the wheel flange of the wheelset onto the rail head.

The article investigated the limitations of the speed in a curved section of the track in the case of a uniform, uneven loading of the wheel of the wheelset, with and without cant of external rail.

The authors of the article notes that the study of the issue of the interaction of rolling stock and rail track allows to set factors and indicators that affect the safe movement of trains at appropriate speeds.         

Key words: maximum speed of movement, restriction of speed, trains, sections of the track.



A. Batih

The countries of the European Union have a huge territory and a large number of objects of transport infrastructure and rolling stock.

In these countries, various methods, complex systems and technologies are offered for the organization and management of the cargo transportation process and passengers with traffic safety. The acceptance and admission of rolling stock to operation is carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in document EN 14363.

This document defines the main indicators of railway traffic safety, methods, means and conditions for conducting tests of rolling stock on the definition of its qualitative driving characteristics.

In the author’s article, the following safety indicators were studied on the EU railways: the coefficient of stability from rolling the wheel flange of the wheel pair onto the rail head, the value of the turning of the trolley relative to the body of the rolling stock (index X), the indicator of the lateral action of the rolling stock on the rails.

The stability of the rolling of the wheel of the wheel pair onto the rail head on the EU railways is investigated on the basis of the Nadal’s criterion.

The value of the resistance of the trolley rotation relative to the body of the rolling stock is decisive for proving the safety condition against the derailment wheel pairs on the EU railways.

With the help of the indicator of the lateral action of the rolling stock on the rails limited the size of the lateral forces to minimize the risk of shifts of rail-sleeper lattice.

The article describes how a rolling stock test on EU railways is being conducted to determine the traffic safety indicators.

The author notes that in order to determine the possibility of derailment of rolling stock under the norm EN 14363, it is necessary to have the value of the guiding force. However, determining the direction of the force is a complicated and time-consuming process, since it requires a large number of experimental studies.

Key words: railways, rolling stock, indicators of sustainability, European Union.




T. Shagdarova; A. Mukhіn; K. Kainazarov

In this article the peculiarities of investigation of the circumstances of an explosion of a gas-air mixture in apartments and housing construction are described, namely, an expert study of the place of the event as the main object of forensic expertise. Main traces of destruction characteristic of blast depending on the nature of the gas (natural, liquefied) used for household purposes are described.

The traces of destruction include: traces of the destruction of exterior walls, ceilings, interiors partitions, depending on the nature of the material (brickwork, wall panels).

It is noted that because of the shock wave in the explosion of gas-air mixture there is a collapse of the walls of apartments (houses) that are made of brick, while on the surface of the wall panels traces-destruction are characterized by the formation of cracks and large debris panel.

The article also gives examples of the calculation of the formation of an explosive concentration of the mixture, and the time of the formation of hydrocarbon gas at the gas leakage from the gas pipeline or the gas cylinder plant, taking into account the capacity of the pressure regulator: for the gas cylinder plant it was taken as 0.6 meter per second, for the main gas pipeline (in the apartment house) – 13.5 meter per second.

The calculation of the time of filling the room with gas from the gas cylinder plant or main gas pipeline to the formation of explosive concentration showed that when leakage from the gas pipeline formation of such concentration occurs much faster than when gas comes from the gas cylinder.

Particular attention is paid to the issues of expert investigation of criminal case materials and video reviews of the place of the event, provided form the investigator to the expert, reflection in the conclusion of the fact of the use of information contained in them as sources of evidence of the circumstances of the explosion. However, the main object, according to the authors, is exactly the place of the event, its material situation. Particular attention was paid to the importance of studying traces of destruction to the implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of an explosion with the possible occurrence of a fire.

The article is based on the analysis of the practice of conducting forensic expertises in republican state utility enterprise “Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan” where the possibilities of expert investigation of traces formed as a result of explosive (deflation) combustion gas-air mixture, taking into account the nature of their origin are shown.

Key words: explosion of gas-air mixture, explosive concentration of the mixture, gas equipment, emergency situations.



А. Yukhymenko; Р. Borshchevskyi

The article is devoted to the problems of one of the types of forensic engineering expertise, namely the aircraft engineering expertise. In the light of the growing number of aircraft operating in the airspace of Ukraine, the increasing intensity of air traffic, as well as the specifics of the Ukrainian air fleet, the relevance of forensic aviation technical expertise is getting extremely high.

At present, there is virtually no relevant expert specialization and all studies are conducted by forensic experts who have the relevant aviation technical education with the involvement of experts as forensic experts in the field of flight operation, repair and maintenance of aircraft, meteorologists, airfield support, ground support of flights, etc.

Summarizing the expert practice of conducting forensic examinations on aviation incidents, the authors of the article point out the urgent need to create an appropriate expert specialty, which in turn involves making changes to the regulatory documents that govern the procedure for appointment and conducting forensic examinations. To provide an adequate level of justification, the necessity of creating an appropriate expert specialty, the authors briefly describe the subject and objects of the aviation technical expertise, as well as provide an indicative list of issues to be addressed by this expertise that are solved by this expert examination.

Regarding the methodological support for the implementation of aviation technical expertise, the authors proposed, in their opinion, the most rational method of ensuring proper examination is the creation on the basis of the regulatory procedure for investigating aviation incidents by regulatory documents of ICAO, taking into account the national procedural legislation of Ukraine. The established methodology in its essence should be a universal document describing the main stages of the expert research – it should be step by step instructions. In future, in addition to the established methodology of aviation technical expertise, narrowly focused methodical recommendations can be added that detail the procedure of examination of certain types of aircraft or their systems and assemblies. Key words: jurisprudence, expert research, aviation incident.


O. Kopanytsia O. Matviienko S. Biliavskyi


The article highlights the shortcomings of the existing regulatory framework in the field of determining damages caused to the state as a result of environmental pollution by chemicals. The key provisions of the developed, within the framework of research work, ‘method of expert assessment for losses from environmental pollution caused by accidents and fires at high-risk facilities’, which are based on the practical results of expert studies by forensic experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, including on the facts of fires and accidents at high-risk facilities.

The above-mentioned expert studies are relevant, since in Ukraine emergency situations, explosions and fires occur at high-risk facilities, which lead to significant environmental pollution by hazardous chemicals:

– emergency excess emissions of pollutants into the air, cause air pollution above the established maximum permissible levels and can create dangerous conditions for people to stay in the zone of influence of objects;

– discharges of untreated, inadequately treated return water or release of hazardous chemicals in natural water reservoirs in pure form, which leads to the death of living aquatic organisms, creating dangerous conditions for general and special water use;

– contamination of land (soil, subsoil water and groundwater) with hazardous substances in excess of established standards, which leads to deterioration of land, deterioration of soil fertility indicators, termination of the possibility of using land for its intended purpose, including for growing crops, the need for remediation, land reclamation and other expenditure work and activities.

In such emergency situations, determining the amount of pollution of the environment, as well as the corresponding negative effects and the size of damages is a difficult task for state regulatory bodies and this situation is solved primarily by experts.

The authors analyzed a large number of legal acts and reviewed the main definitions that relate to the objects of study, the main methodological approaches to the definition, the features of the application of the methodological approaches of each and the algorithm for conducting environmental engineering forensic research from the definition of losses from environmental pollution.

The scope of the above-mentioned methodology for expert determination of environmental pollution losses concerns not only studies of the environmental consequences of accidents and fires that occurred at high-risk facilities, but also studies of other situations related to environmental pollution, which took place as a result of a violation of environmental protection regulations whose activities are related to hazardous chemicals.

Key words:  environment, air, lands, soils, water resources, emergency situations, accidents, fires, chemicals, pollutants, harmful substances, environmental pollution, technological safety, environmental safety, damage from environmental pollution, expert studies, methods of expert research.



А. Shmereho; V. Kuchinsky

In the process of carrying out research work, certain methods were investigated for conducting research into the occurrence of accidents of a non-productive nature, determining the compliance of actions of responsible persons, whose competence includes issues of life safety with regulatory requirements governing their activities.

In this article, in order to provide a scientifically-based methodological base of experts in addressing such issues, improving quality, ensuring the completeness of expert studies, which in turn will avoid possible erroneous conclusions when solving questions raised by the customer to conduct an examination, application of the algorithm of such studies recommended in the article.

Also, based on the implementation of expert developments in conducting such examinations and expert studies on the results of such examinations, it is advisable to supplement the list of main tasks, respectively, and expand the indicative list of issues to be solved during such examinations. The main objectives of such studies are determined by the subject of the study determined by these guidelines.

It is evidence of an accident, the condition of the conditions of any activity, the circumstances of the occurrence of a hazard that threatens or causes an accident, the conditions that led to the occurrence of the accident, and other data that are important for solving problems researched and established on the basis of specific expertise in the field of life safety, including such studies are conducted on the events:

– when the accident under investigation is connected with the performance of the job duties by the injured person;

 – when the investigated accident is not related to the performance of work duties by the injured person.

Key words: forensic examinations, life safety, accidents of non-productive character.



D. Sopin

The article reviews and summarizes theoretical issues related to the abuse of inhalants, provides data on the pharmacological and toxic effects, the legal status of the substances under study, the chemical analysis of alkyl nitrites. The risk to human health is associated with the ability of alkyl nitrites to cause methemoglobin, changes in organs and systems, including myocardial dystrophy, chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The use of isopropyl nitrite can cause damage to the retina, maculapathy. ”Poppers” is a subgroup of volatile substances – alkyl nitrites, represented by compounds or mixtures and contain more than one alkyl nitrite, mainly: butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite or amyl nitrite, isopentyl nitrite, or 2-methyl butyl nitrite.

On the Internet market they are presented under the following slang names: amyls, hardware, liquid gold, locker room, rock hard, rush, snapper, TNT .

Chemico-toxicological analysis is carried out by chromatography methods – the vapor phase analysis with identification on a flame-ionization or mass-selective detector is used. Blood, in cases of deadly intoxication, lung tissue are the best objects.

One of the signs of using alkyl nitrites is the formation of methemoglobin, the definition of which has an important diagnostic value. Joint detection of metabolites of alkyl nitrites and methemoglobin may indicate the possible use of alkyl nitrites. The legal status of alkyl nitrites in most countries varies from free use to medical prescription sales.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, alkyl nitrites are not under the control of the law “On Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues and Precursors, and Measures to Counteract Their Illicit Circulation and Abuse”. Their abuse is a concern because of their detrimental health effects.

Key words: alkyl nitrite, toxicomania, poppers, methemoglobinemia, maculopathy, forensic expertise, research, chemical analysis.



I. Gerassimova

Anti-A and anti-B monoclonal antibodies (MCA) may be used in the analysis of liquid blood, spots of blood and saliva traces in order to detect A and B blood group antigens using common methods of evidence investigation. The use of MCA and anti-A and anti-B antigens in the absorbtion-elution reaction during the analysis of minute saliva traces enhances the possibility of establishing the origin of the saliva at the expense of non-secretor.

Key words: monoclonal antibodies (MCA), group antigens, research methods, liquid blood, spots of blood, saliva.