O. Sadchenko, A. Kulchytskyi, O. Stepaniuk

The article emphasizes the importance of developing, on the basis of scientific and legislative terminology, the terminology of explosive expertise and substantiates the relevance of the creation and systematization of terminologies. modern expert terminology in forensic explosive examination with subsequent representation in the DSTU (State National Standard of Ukraine) «Forensic explosives examination. Terms and Definitions».
In the process of forming terminology for explosives expertise, the identified trends are investigated, the main of which is the unconditional restoration of the terminology of the 80-90s of the last century, which does not contribute to the replacement of established terms in forensic explosives.
The second negative trend is the subjectivity and randomness in the selection of terms for the terminological system, as a result of which many necessary and important terms for explosives expertise, as well as other branches of knowledge, do not fall into them.
The proposed terminology creation technique is implemented in each algorithm:
– selection of terms in the DSTU (State National Standard of Ukraine) /glossary should be carried out taking into account the frequency of their use in scientific papers;
– the composition of the DSTU (State National Standard of Ukraine)/glossary should be formed in accordance with the needs of expert, investigative and judicial practice;
– the order of placement of terms should correspond to their convenient and quick finding;
– the method of describing expert terminology must correspond to the type of
(State National Standard of Ukraine) /glossary;
– the terminological apparatus of explosive examination should reflect the innovative processes of development of the theory and practice of forensic
– terms should reveal the essence of the concept and comply with the norms and rules of the modern literary Ukrainian language.
The experience of the terminological work of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the implementation of terminological work on various types of forensic examinations is highlighted.
As a rule, the authors combined practical work on the conclusion of a terminological standard with a theoretical understanding of the construction of terminological systems. A methodology for unified expert terminology is proposed, in which the main methodological and scientific principles for constructing a terminological standard were determined.

Key words: terminology, dictionary, terminological system, legal terminology, standardized terminology, explosive terminology, explosives examination, forensic explosives, explosive device, explosive material, explosive.



Yu. Prykhodko, T. Ivasychyn, A. Kulchytskyi, V. Munchak

The peculiarity of the issues discussed in this article is the study of situational expertise as a type of forensic research. The team of authors consider situational forensic expertise in terms of explosives expertise because this type of research is quite specific.
Practice shows that not all participants in the criminal process equally understand the importance of studying the issue related to the situational explosive expertise. There are many examples of errors in the appointment of situational explosive technical expertise, in solving questions by experts during the performance of this type of expertise. However, the most difficult issue is the collection and provision of objects (materials) for expert research. Special attention should be paid to this because based on the results of the situational study, the court makes an important decision on the punishment of the guilty.
Carrying out the analysis of the current state of situational expert studies in the sense of appointing and conducting forensic explosive expertise will improve the quality of the investigation of crimes related to the use of explosive devices, ammunition and explosives.
The article determines that a feature of the situational explosive expertise is that by its nature, in most cases, it should be a comprehensive forensic expertise. When conducting situational explosive expertise, the results of investigative (search) actions related to the study of the situation at the scene of the incident should be taken into account. The subject of situational explosive expertise is incidents specifically related to the subject of confirmation. Situational explosive expertise is distinguished by the complex and multi-stage nature of the tasks being solved, determined by the specific features of the objects of study, which are multi-component events.
Situational explosive expertise is carried out on the basis of the versions put forward by the investigation and the court. When conducting a situational explosive expertise, the results of an inspection of the scene of the incident are used, and in most cases of other investigative (detective) actions, including an investigative experiment, the conclusions of experts regarding previously conducted forensic expertise are taken into account.

Key words: situational expertise, special knowledge, explosive technical expertise, explosion, explosive device, research objects.



O. Kolomiitsev, V. Nikitiuk, O. Herman, I. Samoilenko

During unauthorized rallies, mass gatherings and riots with their extremist escalation into a confrontation with law enforcement agencies, the opposing side of the conflict, in order to remotely contain law enforcement officers and inflict maximum damage on them, actively uses improvised means and widespread objects (stones, fragments of building structures and materials, individual parts of various equipment, etc.), which can be put into free flight with the help of human muscle power or with the help of special throwing devices (slings, slingshots, etc.). Despite their relatively low muzzle velocity, such kinetic projectiles are capable of causing fairly severe bodily injury due to their mass. Since there are no methodological recommendations for determining the ballistic characteristics of these low-velocity kinetic projectiles in modern expert practice in weapons research, the authors conducted experimental studies to determine the data that can be used to calculate their trajectory parameters, as well as to determine their damaging properties.

Key words: nut, external ballistics, stones, kinetic energy, low-velocity kinetic projectile, neuroballistic torsion device, optoelectronic measuring complex, muzzle velocity, sling, slingshot, forensic ballistics.



I. Samoilenko, V. Lysenko

Based on the study of judicial and expert practice, the article identifies typical expert errors when conducting non-identification ballistics research: of a procedural nature (expert going beyond the scope of competence; errors caused by improperly formulated questions to the expert; independent collection of objects and examination materials, etc.); epistemological (incorrect application of logical methods and operations, violation of the logic of substantiation of intermediate and final conclusions; imperfect knowledge of the subject of research); operational (use of outdated methods; violations in the sequence of expert procedures; incorrect use of technical means of research or use of unsuitable means, equipment, etc.; obtaining and using low-quality comparative material).
It was concluded that proper operational control of the entire technological chain, starting from the appointment of an expert and the sending of an examination from an expert institution, will also contribute to the reduction of the described shortcomings when conducting non-identification ballistics research. It is emphasized that under such conditions, the departmental control of the head of the expert institution becomes especially important, a thorough check of the validity, reliability and scientific validity of the relevant research will contribute to the reduction of identified and potential errors of subordinate ballistic experts.
It was established that the process of evaluating the conclusion of forensic ballistics examinations, in which diagnostic and situational tasks are solved, includes the analysis of its legal and factual aspects. The assessment of such studies from a legal point of view requires the analysis of the procedural order of preparation, appointment and examination. The evaluation of the factual side of the conclusion consists in establishing the reliability and scientific validity of the factual data discovered by the expert, their relationship and attitude to the event under investigation.

Key words: evidence evaluation, firearms, non-identifying ballistics, pretrial investigation, expert, error.



І. Samoilenko, A. Yukhymeko, V. Koloniuk

This article deals with the issue related to the possibility of using substitute cartridges in the process of control firing of rigid protective elements, the bullet resistance class of which is determined in accordance with national standards other than DSTU (State Standard of Ukraine).
Thus, the material substantiates the possibility of using in the process of testing similar ammunition manufactured in the USSR to replace cartridges discontinued in the USA in the 50s of the twentieth century.

Key words: NIJ, body armor, DSTU (State Standard of Ukraine), rigid protective element, bulletproof.



K. Kovalov

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends in the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document in the context of the development of forensic expertology and forensic documentation in Ukraine and other countries. A scientific and methodological approach to the formation of a methodology for establishing the prescription of a document is proposed, based on the developments of a comprehensive study of the details of documents using special knowledge, analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents, handwriting and linguistics.
Theoretical and methodological aspects of modern trends in the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document in the context of the development of forensic expertology and forensic documentation science in Ukraine and other countries are analyzed.
The formation of scientific and methodological approaches to the study of documents in order to determine the prescription of their production on the basis of scientific, theoretical and practical experience of research and forensic institutions in Ukraine and foreign countries is characterized. The state of development of scientific and methodological foundations for the study of documents is analyzed in order to determine the prescription of their production. The general provisions of the methodology for forensic technical examination of documents are formed in order to determine the prescription of their production.
The reliability of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the use of a complex of general scientific and special research methods. In particular, with the help of the dialectical method as a general method of cognition of the issue, the topics are considered in dynamics, and their relationship and interdependence are revealed, thanks to the use of methods of system analysis, formal logic, abstraction and analogy, generalization and classification in the context of the formation of scientific and methodological foundations for determining the prescription of a document, the main trends in the formation of methodological foundations for expanding the possibilities of forensic examination of documents in order to determine the prescription of their products are characterized.
Based on the possibilities of using various special knowledge and analytical and special methods of forensic examination of documents, an algorithm for the actions of a forensic expert is proposed in order to determine the prescription of their production.
Taking into account the solid scientific and methodological heritage of the possibilities of combining methods and techniques for solving the problems of forensic handwriting examination and technical examination of documents and streamlining the research processes, a general methodology for conducting a forensic examination in order to establish the prescription of a document is proposed.

Key words: forensic documentation; forensic expertise; forensic technical examination of documents; forensic handwriting examination; determination of the prescription of the document; scientific and methodological bases for determining the prescription of a document; research methods; research methodology.



V. Kulykovska

Long-term expert practice indicates that the filling of a number of documents has a strictly regulated, often violated order.
In the article, the author points out the relevance in modern technical and forensic examination of documents of solving the issue of chronological drawing of strokes of the details of the document (study of the sequence of their implementation), since most often the solution of this particular issue is the only way to establish the truth about the validity or falsification of the document. Taking into account the changes in the writing materials (the addition of new and constant improvement of existing recipes) occurring in modern production, it is necessary to constantly update existing and create new methods for solving this problem.
The author pointed out significant progress in the direction of applying a technique based on the use of modern capabilities of optical microscopes and embedded systems for visualization and digital registration of a picture that is observed under a microscope, taking into account the printing process of devices with laser printing technology, in which toner is used to transfer the image to paper. powder, laser beam and static electricity.
The article considers an approach to the application of the method of establishing the sequence of execution of the details of documents, one of which is made by the method of electrophotography in the absence of places of their mutual cross-section. The analysis of the results obtained in the course of expert studies is presented. The scheme algorithm of the conducted experimental studies is described and a logical chain of established facts is built. The illustrations of the results of the conducted research are given.
It is indicated in the article, which continues the study of the details obtained by the electrophotographic method on different brands and models of laser devices, as well as the quantitative dependence of toner microparticles within a stroke on the depth of the relief from the writing instrument assembly.
The author of the article notes that even in the presence of the instrumental base, methodically competent development of the conditions of application is required, and in general, conducting expert research requires the expert not only to have knowledge of existing research methods but also the ability to correctly evaluate the results obtained.

Key words: devices with laser printing technology, electrographic method, writing materials, toner «background», microparticles of toner, average density of toner «background», colour dyed films, video spectral comparator.



V. Sezonov, K. Dikevych

This article analyzes the component composition of inks, paints and dyes, and also gives a general description of one or another type of ink or dye and a classification of some of them. The historical aspect of the manufacture of inks and their components is highlighted. Writing ink was first made in ancient Egypt and China around 2500 BC. The features of paints depending on the type of printing (high, gravure, flat offset, screen) are studied and examples of their application are given. Flat offset inks used in newspapers are usually simple in composition. As for letterpress, although this type is gradually being replaced by other printing processes, it is still used in the production of money, most paper-based forms in printing serial numbers, etc. Gravure inks are similar to flexographic inks, except that ketones and aromatic hydrocarbons can be used as solvents, allowing much greater freedom in the choice of binders. This type of ink for inkjet printing, such as solvent ink, is considered in detail. Solvent ink is a complex physical and chemical system for inkjet printing, consisting of pigment, polymer, film former, solvent and special additives. The structural composition of solvents is characterized, which, getting on paper, undergoes a number of changes over a fixed period of time, as a result of which the dye dries on paper. Ethanol, benzyl alcohol and many other solvents can also be used as carriers. The choice of solvent or solvents often depends on the properties of the writing instrument. The so-called «invisible» ink (UV ink, thermosetting ink, etc.) was studied separately as a kind of protective element. This type of ink is mainly used in steganography, anti-counterfeiting and currency security features, packaging authenticity indicators, brand protection, and secret messages. Conclusions are drawn, emphasizing that understanding the principle of operation of one or another element of protection allows forensic experts of forensic technical examination of documents to effectively identify forgery.

Key words: document protection, component composition, printing inks, solvent inks, solvents, dyes, technical examination of documents.



N. Zubova, S. Naumenko, V. Somov, V. Fesiunin

The article is devoted to the consideration of methods for imitation of relief elements and perforation in the manufacture of counterfeit banknotes.
In the manufacture of banknotes in modern conditions, the latest scientific and technical achievements are used. The reliability of protection of banknotes from forgery is ensured by the simultaneous use of a complex of security features of different levels. With the development of technological progress, new protective elements appear, and the reproduction of those already introduced into production gradually becomes available for reproduction by counterfeiters.
In an effort to bring the appearance of counterfeit banknotes closer to those issued by issuing institutions, criminals use various techniques to imitate security elements and materials. Most often, they try to imitate the so-called public elements, known to most citizens and perceived by sight or by touch.
A variety of relief elements are an indispensable attribute of the design of any banknote. Relief elements are among the important public security elements of banknotes issued for cash circulation. They are informative and easily perceived visually and tactilely. In addition to the protective function, they provide convenience for people with visual impairments to recognize the denomination of a banknote. At the same time, even a primitive forgery of the relief element of a banknote can mislead an ordinary citizen, because it imitates the presence of a corresponding sign or image.
The article describes the technology of applying embossed signs, the concepts of «painted» and «unpainted» embossed signs, and elements with KIPP-effect or PEAK-effect, as well as these concepts are illustrated with examples using banknotes that are issued by issuing institutions.
The methods of imitation of relief signs on counterfeit banknotes are highlighted and illustrated by cases from expert practice, namely: by making special relief forms and applying colourless embossing in the areas of the elements corresponding to the elements applied by intaglio printing on banknotes; imitation of relief elements on counterfeit banknotes, implemented by applying to the areas where relief elements should be located on a real banknote, convex strokes of arbitrary shape, or strokes formed by individual dots, which may not match the coloured image in content; creating relief by applying a layer of a transparent substance to the location of the corresponding inscription or image, made by inkjet or another non-relief printing method; by «powdering» a non-gravure print of a wet ink image with polymer powder on the face of the note to create a relief effect.
The article gives a brief definition of micro-perforation, describes the technology of applying micro-perforation on banknotes, and provides illustrations of banknotes with elements applied by micro-perforation. Using examples from expert practice, methods for simulating perforation on counterfeit banknotes are considered, illustrating the features of the corresponding imitation method.

Key words: banknote, banknote relief element imitation, banknote perforation, counterfeit banknote, banknote relief element.



E. Lemak

The article is devoted to exploring the relationship between personality traits and handwriting characteristics. Specifically, the results of various scientific studies on this topic are analyzed, and the handwriting characteristics associated with intelligence, creativity, and emotional stability are determined. In addition, the article examines the results of studies on the connection between handwriting and a person’s emotional reactions, which helps to understand how handwriting can reflect a person’s emotional state. The conclusions of the article may be useful for handwriting experts, forensic psychologists, practising psychologists, teachers, recruiters, and anyone interested in the relationship between handwriting and personality.

Key words: handwriting, personality, intelligence, creativity, emotional resilience, psychology, graphology, testing, analysis.